Thursday, May 9, 2013

Cause Of The AWG Pause Discovered: Fat People

That's right. According to Canadian scientists, if you're going to the gym--you're killing the planet! Dieting? You don't care about TehChildren!! Exercising? You're a Nazi Denailist!!! Fat People are the cure for Thermageddon.

"Obese people--those with a body mass index greater than 30--seem to use less energy in order to stay warm in cooler temperatures than their thinner counterparts, the study found".

Using less energy means, of course, equals emitting less CO2. Awesome!
Naturally, with gravity having increased its relentless pull on my over-50 physique, I'm all for supporting this research: Couch Potatoes For The Planet! 
We need to make some T-shirts...okay, yeah, sweatshirts would probably make more sense.
But think of the marketing tie-ins. We could really magnify the Eco-Tard cognitive dissonance factor: Bacon Burgers For Babies, Eat Scrapple To Save The Big Apple--Bloomberg would shit himself over that one--this one too: Big Gulps For Gaia. 
And then, of course, there's the whole protected-status jujitsu angle: Eco-Tards discriminate against the the Calorically Dependent! Bwuhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.

Ken Trenberth to announce he's discovered the "Missing Heat" in subcutaneous deposits in 3...2...1. Bwuhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.

I'm thinking there's some major fun to be had here. Have at it guys.

H/T Tom Nelson


  1. I must be missing something here - won't fat people have already used more energy getting fat in the first place?

  2. That's typical libtard "They're eating our food" thinking, microdave. Shame on you. Turn off CNN and watch The Clumps three times as penance.

  3. Vindicated....I'm a carbon sink...for the children. Now give me all your fries.
    (I'm dreaming,right?)

  4. Does this mean that Michelle is worse than Hitler for her "Let's Move" campaign? After all, she's trying to make people lose weight.

  5. Dan--that was my reaction. I know have the moral high ground, and the coffee grounds as a Carbon Kitchen Sink.

    Eric--Yes, she and Bloomberg are Climate Criminals and should be shipped off to one of Ed Markey's Thermageddon Gulags immediately.

  6. I've had many discussions with a government minister regarding the crazy AGW policies they are pursuing over this side of the pond . I tried to get across the "Total" CO2 argument (including all the costs and emissions associated with mining, transport, manufacture, and distribution), instead of their blind quoting of notional CO2 savings. I don't think it's really made any difference though...

    I was simply using the same reasoning in my earlier comment. Fat people may have better insulation, but think how much energy was used getting it there in the first place!

    I haven't got CNN or the Clumps - so can I watch 3 back-to-back episodes of NCIS as penance?

  7. That's not penance, microdave. Cote is responsible for much warming...usually confined to a particular region, though.

  8. So, by their "logic", doin' the gator growl under the covers counts towards Saving Teh Planet, since it heats up the participants of the growlin' session, thereby allowing the thermostat to be lowered precipitously.

    "Do Your Bit, Lick The Split!"

    "Lick The O-Zone Hole!"

    "Fuck (For) Global Warming!"

    "Be Green. Eat Pink!"

  9. Wait a sec...Fat people SEEM to use less energy keeping warm in cold climates?!!? So this means the Holy Prophets of the Church of Global Warming don't KNOW?


    A group of people who claim to be such Wizards of Smart that they can tell me exactly what the climate will be like in 75 years DON'T FUCKING KNOW that fat acts as a heat insulator for the human body?!!?


    Are you mother fucking kidding me?

  10. Yeah, Harbqll. I thought that was fairly common knowledge.
    Can you say Apatosaurus? Wonder how many Canadian loonies teh Government gave away for that research.
