Saturday, September 7, 2013

James Lovelock Genius: Global Warming Has Lowered The Climate Sensitivity To Global Warming

"The problem is that there's now all this junk going into the atmosphere from burning fuels so the sensitivity's no longer what it was."

Reached at his, now, 2nd-place spot in the Thermageddon Mongers Pantheon of Pathos, Kevin "The missing heat is hiding at the bottom of the ocean" Trenberth said: "It's a travesty."

H/T Tom Nelson


  1. maybe the global warming hidden in the bottom of the ocean is next to the LARGEST VOLCANO ON EARTH that they just discovered in the Pacific....

  2. Is Google hiding the news item? Couldn't find a link to Lovelock's pronouncement...(?)

  3. Tom Nelson has it. You have to sign up to read the whole thing.

  4. Maybe Google is hiding the global warming along with the link.
