Wednesday, October 16, 2013

#Occupy The Planet...Coming To A Burg Near You

Remember a couple of weeks ago when I posted that Church of Carbon Come High Priest "Weepy" Bill McKibben was coming to town to hobnob with the local Communists at the Thomas Merton Center? Well, Imagine my glee when I learned that an entire entourage of Ecotards Extraordinaire will be joining Bill for a little thing I like to call:


Okay, there won't be 10,000 of them...and "youth leaders???" Obviously, because nothing says leadership like following the Anti-Whatever-It-Is-Today convoy around the country because Soros or the Tides Foundation pays the piper. They're kind of like Deadheads...but with way shittier music:
Don't you love the girl wearing the Butterfly McQueen do wrap. I think it definitely gives her the cred to sing about Energy Company Oppression and AGW Reparations, because #slavery. And dude, what's with the 1966 Beatles haircut? Anyway, I'm sure they will incite the masses to action for !!!Climate Justice!!!, especially after they get riled up by Gasland schlockumentarian Josh Fox. Yes, he's coming too. Isn't it awesome?
And when these professional protest lemmings arrive, they will descend upon the David L. Lawrence Convention Center, which the city's next mayor, Green-Grafter Bill Peduto, will certainly point out, is the only such structure in the US that's LEED certified, because it uses natural light and recycled materials--the cooling system...not so much.
The (Sports and Exhibition) Authority board members today authorized a $207,798 contract with Trane US Inc. to recondition two of the chillers. They also ratified a $10,633 payment already made to Trane after it dismantled a third chiller and investigated the cause of its failure...the chillers are having problems because they are not operating at capacity, in part because a proposed hotel that was to be attached to the convention center was never built.
Hmm, an AC system that's three times as large as needed. That doesn't sound very Green. Yeah, but those recycled materials are making up for that. Oh, wait...
Ms. Conturo said none of the firms admitted liability in the collapse of a section of the loading dock floor on a frigid February day. No one was injured in the collapse, which caused the postponement and rescheduling of the Pittsburgh International Auto Show, a delay in the opening of the Pittsburgh Home and Garden Show, and relocation of other events.
Well, I'm sure the Climate Cabal is okay with cancelling an EvilCO2SpewingAutoShow. Cosmic justice. And the garden show? Well, it's because of plants that we have all this coal now.

Frack Heads Unite!

They'll be here for three days, unless of course they really do decide to #Occupy The Planet.


  1. I wonder how much eeevil carbon is emitted by all of the busses it takes to schlep these retards around the country. Also, how much of the ozone is being eaten away by the fumes of body odor and fail that these people give off?

  2. Presumably, all this "not exactly music" and associated fanfare will be powered by a team of water buffalo going around and around, turning a dynamo out in the parking lot. That's pretty green, right? Minimal carbon footprint, but a LOT of nitrogen-associated footprints. Or, maybe all these "musicians" and entertainers will treat everyone to their "unplugged" collections. That would be epic.

  3. Epic indeed, anon. The only problem is people might actually want to pay to see the water buffalo awesome, which means they might turn a !!!profit!!! And profit is, of course, evil and causes !!!global warming!!!
    SO, I like it. Anything to increase the already stunning cognitive dissonance.

  4. They've missed an opportunity - why not show the ultimate hypocrisy, and arrive at Pittsburgh by gas guzzling helicopter, like this dipshit:

  5. MD, I'm surprised he isn't part of the way shittier music extravaganza.

  6. That first flyer hits a lot of the People's Power Pusillanimous Propaganda Points. Let's see...the clenched fist, someone braying into a megaphone, the fist clutching a weapon-looking item - in this case a windmill rather than a sickle - wild exaggeration of the expected attendees, sign carrying crowds. Yep, got a lot of 'em.
