Wednesday, October 9, 2013

So It Occurred To Me...

While I was visiting, my last version of TheSiteThatShallNotBeNamed the other day for my 500k post, I realized there was sidebar art I hadn't remembered to add here in Siberia. Of these oversights, perhaps the most egregious involved this:
Yes, the Spassfabrik Widget, featuring our original Miss Spassfabrik, Chrisitina Vlahakis. As you veteran minions know, it linked to Site Y, where, for a number of years, I placed all the Spassfabrik posts--so "respectable" and "serious" sites could link the homeworld without offending the sensibilities of their puritanical readers. Given the events of last March, it's obvious that plan didn't do me a shitload of good.
But I digress.
The point is: all the Site Y posts are still there--including some I made immediately post-exile--before they locked me out of that one too.
Anyway, it occurred to me you might like to peruse some of the finery still festooning Site Y, so I've put the widget--and the link--in the sidebar. So give it a click or two, or ten, and enjoy the ride down Snoocherie Lane.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you...saves us a lot of the new site...there is something that I like more than snug green shirts, but I can't think what it is right now...
