Wednesday, May 28, 2014

The Santa Monica Killing Spree? Blame Seth Rogan

Yes, apparently because narcissistic pampered Hollywood punk Elliot Rodger couldn't even talk to a girl, let alone get naked with one, he went out and killed six people. His father blamed #EvilRethuglicanNRATeaPartyGuns, but no--says WaPo film critic Ann Hornaday: it's Seth Rogan's fault.
"How many students watch outsized frat-boy fantasies like 'neighbors' and feel, as Rodgers did, unjustly shut out of collegiate life that should be full of 'sex and pleasure'? How many men, raised on a steady diet of Judd Apatow comedies in which the shlubby arrested adolescent always gets the girl, find that those happy endings constantly elude them and conclude, 'it's not fair'?"
Well let's see...

Hmmm, socially awkward, two first names, plus the androgynous harem boy look? Yeah, that screams chick magnet.
I'm kind of surprised the lesbian radfems haven't jumped on this yet. Oh yeah, that's right--they think if all men look like this, they won't threaten anyone with their dicks. Guess they were right.
Well, even though Tipper Gore isn't around to arouse the ire of Frank Zappa by asking that warning labels be placed on music labels, lest our impressionable, special snowflakes be tuned into Satan worshipers, I'm sure we can expect Michelle to start a hashtag campaign against Rogan and Apatow: #saveoursexuallyrepressedpsychos?  Too subtle? What say you, then?


  1. #BanFaggyEmoDouchenozzles
    That's the one thing that might actually prevent future tragedies like this.

  2. You're #caring, Eric. That's what really comes through.

  3. What I most "love" and is what is, in my opinion, most telling about the coverage of this incident is that most leave out the simple fact that he took out 3 people first with a blade, then went for his guns.

    But he's a "Shooter."

    Got give the little weasel credit, I guess. Not many can bring themselves to use a knife like that.

  4. Yeah, killing people with a knife--quietly of course--used to be a prized talent among the underworld, and in government circles. But I repeat myself.

  5. he'd have done better to have stuck with using the car. also rich punk boy apparently can't make a simple phone call. he was in the high end hooker range after all.

  6. I disagree with the use of the term "Psycho." These
    spree killers usually are paranoid Schizophrenics, who
    blame others for their shortcomings.

    I might feel sorry for the kid if not for the fact
    that 95 pound computer nerds seem to have no trouble
    getting laid in college. But you are on to something
    with the Zappa analogy,and his sexually androgynous
    looks. The lips remind me of the intro for Punky's Whips:

    Did it ever dawn on this pampered son of a movie
    producer that cultivating the looks of a He/she
    might be his problem?

    Or maybe, he lashed out after he came to realize that
    his only chance at getting laid involved his Angelina
    Jolie lips or insolent pouting rectus?

  7. Funny how they blame everything but the perp.

    I'm waiting for knives and cars to be banned. Not holding my breath. Just holding my HK.

  8. #LegalizeHookers

  9. How big of a loser is someone who can't get laid, in Hollywood, when all he has to do is say the magic words : " My father is a director " ???

  10. JerseygirlAngie, SPOT ON! I am shocked that none of
    us thought of that angle. The son of a Hollywood director
    should be able to get more ass than a toilet seat or
    Ferrari dealer.

    When it's over, the guy simply says "Give me your number,
    of course I will call you back."
    "What was your name again?"

  11. JGA--Yes, those are the magic words. Right up there with "I'm a Kennedy."

  12. I cannot let this one go! There was a scene from the
    Andrew "Dice" Clay movie Ford Fairlane where some woman
    asked him for his number. He responded with "555... She
    said "Wait a minute That's a TV phone number."
    Clay responded that she was smarter than she looked.

    If the kid was truly devious, he could give her his


    9764 Jeopardy Lane
    Chicago Illinois


    Without looking it up.......

  13. "Don't you ever laugh as the hearse goes by,
    For you may be the next one to die.
    They wrap you up in a big white sheet
    From your head down to your feet.
    They put you in a big black box
    And cover you up with dirt and rocks.
    All goes well for about a week,
    Until your coffin begins to leak.
    The worms crawl in, the worms crawl out,
    The worms play pinochle in your snout,
    They eat your eyes, they eat your nose,
    They eat the jelly between your toes.
    A big green worm with rolling eyes
    Crawls in your stomach and out your eyes.
    Your stomach turns a slimy green,
    And pus pours out like whipping cream.
    You'll spread it on a slice of bread,
    And this is what you eat when you are dead."

  14. If he really wanted to know what it is like to not have sex he should have gotten married.

  15. Azygos, as the Jewish liberal radio talk show host Bill
    Handel says: The best way to insure you never have sex
    for the rest of your life is to marry a Jewish woman!
