Saturday, October 4, 2014

Happy 18th Birthday To "The Pause"

No senior in high school, indoctrinated with Thermageddon dogma their entire lives, has seen ever seen any Anthropogenic Global Warming. Oh, and remember when the warmers said it would take 17 years for the nonexistent tropospheric hotspot to appear...? Anthony does.



  1. I am so scared I shit my pants! That is until I
    actually examined the scale. We are talking about a
    highest to lowest temperature over those 18+ years of
    1 degree C. Averaged out, this is almost nothing!

  2. They grow up so fast, don't they?
    Now the only people who buy this are the conmen who make a fortune off of this, retarded celebs, and the sub-retarded fanbois and fangurlz who only know "Ermahgerd you guys, Matt Damon sez we're all totes gonna die. MATT DAMON." Too bad that third group is so fucking big.

  3. When I see a chart like this, I can't help but think of Michael Crichton and urban heat islands

    However, the Maldives are not covered with water - LOL
