Thursday, June 18, 2015

Fursday Night Natural

(Click to embiggenify.)


  1. Real And Spectacular, you better believe it.

  2. She's cute, but she needs to take a razor to her pits. We're not Europe just yet.

  3. Natural is always best. I bet she smells like a woman....

  4. My late best friend and coworker would have loved her. When
    Marilyn Chambers kicked the bucket, I sent him an E-mail that
    mentioned that she was probably the first one to sport that
    shaven snooch look. He replied that he was not a fucking
    pederast and could not be turned on by something that looked
    like a crotch shot of a 9 year old girl. He preferred women
    who actually looked like women.

  5. My God she is fucking perfect. And Leonard, I agree with your friend.
