Wednesday, May 22, 2013

And The Fukushima Fuk U Award Goes To Sheldon Whitehouse

Some of you may recall, at the SiteThatShallNotBeNamed when I got a shitload of international traffic after lambasting the Grist writer who blamed the Fukushima nuclear disaster on Global Warming--via earthquake, of course because it's settled science--before people even knew if they'd lost family members.
So, when I heard about Oklahoma, I thought I'd wait a while to see which eco-tard scum would do it this time. I thought maybe McKibben...or Rohm. No.
They can't put a patch on the ass of Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-ickwad RI.) who stood on the bodies of dead children within FIVE MINUTES of hearing that a tornado had destroyed their school, town and everything else in the 20-mile long scar it etched across the Oklahoma landscape just so he could Blame Republicans for causing the Thermageddon that caused the F4 tornado.

When cyclones tear up Oklahoma and hurricanes swamp Alabama and wildfires scorch Texas, you come to us, the rest of the country, for billions of dollars to recover. And the damage that your polluters and DENIERS are doing doesn't just hitt Oklahoma and Alabama and Texas. (Emphasis mine.)
Fuk U, senator. Mothers and fathers were still searching for children, spouses, pets where their houses, schools and towns were, and you, you lower-than-whaleshit motherfucker, you go to the well of the senate chamber and rail to no one--because everyone else was at least trying to find out how bad it was--blaming Global Warming on Republicans.
Fuk U.
Didn't you hear that the Supreme Court rejected trying to blame oil companies for Hurricane Katrina AGAIN, or that there's been no Global Warming for 16 YEARS. Haven't you noticed your familiars in the MFM slowly deserting the Thermageddon ship, some actually printing that climate sensitivity appears much lower than Hansen or the IPCC claimed.
Fuk U.
I know you wouldn't bother to actually look at the storm history for Oklahoma, southern Missouri or Northern Texas, but perhaps you've heard the term Tornado Alley. No?
Fuk U.
You are a fucking ghoul.


  1. It's a real shame that caning of senators and other bloviating public servants went out of style.

    OTOH, kudos to Whitehouse for getting in front of a TeeVee camera ahead of Chucky Schumer.

  2. Nothing special about this story. That entire party is nothing but a collection of necropedophiles. Every time tragedy strikes families in the most horrific way possible, those cuntstains rush to cameras to drool and beat their tiny meat.

  3. I can't wait for the fecal matter to finally hit the oscillating air moving device... it will be sweet pleasure putting these Murthafuckers on their journey to Hades.
