Thursday, June 27, 2013

A Soylent PSA: New Linky Love Contender...?

Now, while nice, I don't think she holds a dripping hot candle to my chainmail skirt babe...

or even my original Linky Love Chain Bra babe, Julianne...

But as your Snoochmonger in residence, I am duty bound to present these morsels. If for no other reason than one of you may be in the market for a Linky Love logo, I'm here to help.


  1. The chainmail skirt babe is the bomb.

    John T

  2. The skirt wins it for me. I like the new one, but she's a little...underdeveloped, I think.

  3. Thanks, Harbqll. An expert medical opinion is always welcome.

  4. I dunno, does this count as chainmail?

    If so, Joanna Krupa FTW.

  5. Drew, the link is no good. But I know of what you speak. I posted her in TheSiteThatWillNotBeNamed, probably more than once.
    I think that pick might be cheating. For one, that chain is jewelry-grade fine, not really chainmail.
    Secondly, Joanna is jewelry-grade fine--not that my two Linky Love favorites are not. But she may have an unfair advantage.
    I'll post her with the next round of contenders.
