Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Humpday Hawtness Vintage

(Click to embiggenify.)


  1. Puttin' the fur back in the furburger!

    A whiskerbiscuit in the mouth is worth two fingers in the stink!

    Now there's a "hair band" of the 80's if ever there was one!

    (Look, it's 3:52 a.m. and I'm on Rx pain meds, so cut me some slack.) ;-)

  2. That reminds me, I think it's time to make another batch of ginger cookies.

    First class snooch my friend. Extremely well done. Outstanding.

  3. BC , I hear the latest Rx for pain is hops
    ... of course, when did a beer ever hurt ?
    stupid weather has me
    hurtin' ,too
