Wednesday, September 18, 2013

This Blogger Platform Sucks # 7,239

Okay, where was I? Oh yeah...

Yes, Drew, I knew the AYFKM and Fuck The Feds reaction selections were cut off under the posts. I've moved them around and it makes no difference. I guess the ability to size that box is a premium feature--like sizing YouLube videos. Fuck That!
Now, what I was originally going to rant about: photo storage. The AssclownBloggerCodeMonkeys have "improved" the system.
When I first moved over here, I was chagrined to see I couldn't label or date photos, and neither did the system. But at least they were in there from oldest to newest and if I hovered over them, I could read the file name. So, if I did put a particular snoochette's name on a pic, it wasn't left entirely to my sieve-like memory.
But now, thanks to the sage tinkering of the AssclownBloggerCodeMonkeys, neither of those things is true. The Complaint Department babe with the mini-gun I added last week? Her pic at the top of the pile with stuff from 3-4 months ago. Fortunately, this seems to only occur with single uploads. Bevies of several babes uploaded at the same time seem to stay together and on the bottom (newer) tier--so far. But that really doesn't help when I Can't Read The File Names Anymore!

Now, when I hover over a pic--labeled or not--the file name never materializes. I just get a check a circle..apparently to let me know I'm special, because I am dexterous enough to strategically move a mouse scant centimeters from one file to another. Oh yeah, the hovering never worked in the editor or preview modes either--still doesn't. Genius.

So, if you scan the labels of a babe pic and don't see a name, it means I had to wait until it was posted to see who she was. Of course, if it's an unembiggenifiable Tumblr Tasty, you're usually SOL anyway.
And now, Agent Coulson with a poem for the AssclownBloggerCodeMonkeys...


  1. Is Nancy Pelosi one of the codemonkeys? "You have to post it to find out what's in it."

  2. don't mince words...what's REALLY on your mind? :)

  3. Seems like you and MissK have something in common.

    I thank you for your effort to work through/around it.

    By the way, I would recommend a 3500 ft. air-burst in the 20 ~ 25 kiloton range to get their attention.

  4. Nah, anon,. I went straight for the 50 megaton Tsar Bomba.
    Only way to be sure.

  5. Fucking blogger!! Grrrr

    I'm thinking these AssClown Blogger CodeMonkeys... funny Soylent, well, they're gonna get so many complaints, by the time we get this fixed, I bet they'll switch it around again. Just when I was really liking my layout too >:[

    Good Luck Soylent :-)

  6. That explains why I can't always see a name for the totty when mouse "hovering"...

  7. Exactly, MissK. Whatever changes they make, it will screw things up even more.
    It's the first rule of AssclownBloggerCodeMonkey Club.

  8. The platform is worth every penny we pay for it. That aside, you can size YouTube videos by specifying the height and width in the HTML code for said video. In two different places, of course.
