Tuesday, October 8, 2013

500,000 Snoochers Can't Be Wrong

Dah Da Da Dah!!!! Pfweeeet!!!
Yes, It's time to bust out the Ass Bugle Brigade as my Siberian site here in exile has received half a million visits. Grand as it is, it's a 10th of where I'd be had I not been so unceremoniously jettisoned from the SiteThatShallNotBeNamed by the Cursed Code Monkeys. Bitter..?
Nah, here's how I handled it at my original alternate site, to which I was denied access a week later. So, thanks to all of you who've trod the steppes of the hyperverse to reach this oasis of Science, Snark & Snooch. I shall endeavor to persevere. The forecast...?

 Cloudy with a chance of snooch.
You might want to embiggenify that.


  1. Endeavor to persevere? You must be a member of the civilized tribe. ;)

    Congrats on 500k, sir.

  2. Yeah, John. But I'm still thinking of declaring war on the white man. It's the Trail of Tears either way.

  3. Can't be all that civilized, you left out the unnecessary u in endeavor. Congratulations.
