Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Michael Mann Is About To Be Sacrificed For Gaia

Look at the interesting conglomeration of folks who've joined the realist Energy & Environment Legal Institute in petitioning the VA court for Mann's Climategate emails under FOIA...
17 news organizations, including National Public Radio, Dow Jones and The Washington Post, submitted an amicus brief in November supporting the group's rights to Mann's emails.
In the words of the Alsatian assassin Jobert answering the question "why" in Three Days of the Condor, "I expect he was about to become an embarrassment."


  1. And this just broke today:

    John Beale a fraud? Who saw THAT coming?

  2. It couldn't happen to a nicer dick! I have been following this debate
    for decades, and am convinced it is a greater scientific hoax than
    Piltdown Man. You will be surprised how many on the left will toss his
    ass under the bus to avoid the embarrassment.

  3. Can we throw Michael Mann into a volcano?

  4. It will happen like this,,,you will be walking one day, perhaps in the spring, and a car will stop beside and the door will open, and perhaps a friend,,a person you trust,, will lean out and ask you to get in.

    Yea, after this winter Mikee is having grad students start his car and is eating strictly out of cans he opens himself.

    And hey guys!!!!!!!! Finally tracked SG down, by just waiting till he showed up. ;)
