Wednesday, August 13, 2014

For Sanyo


  1. Cats are the reason God gave us .22s.

  2. Headed downstairs for his morning coffee, Snoochies just knew it was gonna be one of those days.

  3. Why did I know that my old friend Steamboat would find
    this amusing? It kind of reminds me of what might have
    happened to Brrrt Mcgoo had those line workers not been
    there to get him out of the tree.

  4. LJ - You remember! :-)

    Brrrt was a good cat! But tree-stupid.

    I still shoot an occasional coyote in Brrrt's memory...

    Hit a young one (miraculously) with my Magnum Research .500 S&W Magnum this Spring.

    Not my tool of choice for the job, but it was in my hand at the time.

    It was ... extraordinarily messy. Brrrt would have been pleased...

  5. Sounds like too much gun. But I suppose it gets the job done. Personally, I prefer a .22 to off small critters.

  6. Yep. But the .500 was all I brought out to the back deck when I saw the critter trot out of the woods.I prefer neater, quieter coyote executions.

    I didn't actually think I would hit it - too far, too much morning coffee, and WAY too much club. I whispered a little, "Thank you Brrrt for guiding my bullet" mantra afterward.

  7. I know what you mean. For hunting I still prefer my old dads 303 Lee Enfield Mark IV. Not really a sporting rifle but a beautiful weapon to wield.

  8. I used to own a .303 British mk IV! Nice weapon, but heavy. Very accurate.

    I actually prefer the 6.5x55 Swedish Mauser when I want to thump something.

  9. My dad was a sniper in the second world war and used the Lee Enfield to great effect in North Africa and Normandy. Still got his bayonet as well.

  10. My thanks to your father for his service!
