Monday, August 25, 2014

RIP Richard Attenborough, 1923-2014

Many may only remember him from Jurassic Park, but that's the curse of living to be 90. I first noticed him in The Great Escape, and though he went on to win an Oscar for directing Gandhi, I'll always remember him for this 1971 portrayal of serial killer John Reginald Christie:

RIP Richard, and haunt your brother about that Thermageddon hysteria.


  1. Yes, a great actor. Here, well before the "Great Escape" he appeared in many of those black and white 1950s "How our stiff upper lip won the war" films. His portrayal of Christie was soooo creepy!

  2. The Jannie, Hell I thought Dirk Bogard did all those. ;-)

  3. Oh dear GOD, that movie still creeps me out.

    Godspeed to him.

  4. !...How did you get in, Aggie; you were just a little kid?!

    That movie ruined me for ever wanting to visit England.

  5. Yes, SG, he did but if you watch those films you see the young faces of later British cinema stalwarts. As time went on it seemed that the cast lists were the same, just shuffled about as good actors became great actors or simply grew older and played older characters.

  6. My two favorites were Sand Pebbles and the Great Escape!

  7. Anyone see any of his earlier work: 'Brighton Rock.'
