Friday, August 29, 2014

Trailer Trash Friday Link: 'The Scribbler'

Okay, I tried to embed this Red Band trailer because it's better than the one on YouLube, but the code jut sits there in html. Anyway, it looks pretty cool. Not only that, the hottie factor in nigh off the charts:Katie Cassidy, Michelle Trachtenberg, Eliza Dushku, Gina Gershon and pr@n star Sasha Grey.
It also features Billy Campbell in his now perpetually recurring role as "that creepy motherfucker"and Michael Imperioli as the cop who hasn't had enough tequila to believe this bullshit.
So, below should be the link to the Red Band trailer. I say 'should' because this is fucking Google and I haven't had enough tequila either. Good luck.

Trailer for 'The Scribbler' Comic Book Film |


  1. Beatrice paused in her evening stroll - reluctant to risk a nasty fall into one of the open windows.
