Wednesday, October 8, 2014

OverNighty International Minion Shoutout: France

I used to do this all the time over at TheSiteThatWillNotBeNamed, but if memory serves, this will be the first here in the Google Gulag of Soylent Siberia: Felicitations aux Grenouilles!!!
Yes, according to the always accurate stats, the Cheese Munching Surrender Monkeys topped the international minion queue yesterday, and pour le moment, even beat three of our regulars...

Yes, I'm still having trouble absorbing this myself. In fact...

Still...I have to say: Vive La France!

(Click to embiggenify.)


  1. I've always had a thing for girls with a french accent.

  2. As with all good things French, she surrenders quickly and without quibble.
