Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Two Million Minions Can't Be Wrong

Yes, thanks to you my minions, 2,000,000 exiles have now found their way to my gulag of grandiloquence. Not much has changed since we crossed the 1 million mark back in February--except, obviously, more of you have come faster. Again, thanks.
DISCLAIMER--I wrote this before the dawning Ebola zombie apocalypse. Carry on.
Meat World blithely and obliviously spins along knowingly accepting the crimes of the God/King, the lies of the Thermageddon Mongers and the calumny of the appeasers of Islamic evil.
My only consolation is that the international cabal of EUrotrash and third-world kleptocrats that is so keen to see the US crumble into constituent fiefdoms has no idea what will befall them after it does. They have been so intent on our destruction that they have sealed their own.
And the Chinese will smile--inscrutably, of course--and ruthlessly destroy the threats that faux erudition and imbecilic correctness welcomed across our threshold. I almost wish I could be there to see it...or what will happen 500 years after that.
But you didn't come here for my Heinleinian prognostication....
Robert was a fan of deflowerment though.
Thanks again for stopping by.


  1. Congrats on reaching the 2 million minion milestone.
    And on the bright side, the Chicoms are less marxist than president Obola, so we've got that going for us.

  2. Hell, the ChiComs aren't consciously trying to destroy their own economy, are laughing at the Glow Bull Wormistas by building an average of TWO new coal-fired power plants PER WEEK and they aren't afraid to take off the gloves and kill Pisslamists with extreme prejudice. The one thing they DO have in common with the Handicapped Golfer-in-Thief is their worship at the altar of abortion.

    Congrats on the 2-million-muff-muncher-mark!

  3. Lydia.
    Oh, you mean that tattooed lady. HIIK.

  4. The Vegetation... It's GROWING on her!

  5. Sir, we stop by for your indubitable wisdom. Secondary to this, I'm engaged on my PhD Thesis titled: 'Erotic Arse in Contemporary Literature'. Don't worry Mr Green, you will be cited in all my forthcuming stains.
