He's in Washington, DC. calling for more !!!!Thermageddon WorldSaving State Control Of The Economy!!! because #GlobalWarming.
Way to let us know you aren't doing this on the city's dime, Mayor Greenjeans--because you're all about #FiscalResponsibility and #Transparancy. Just like it's #FiscallyResponsible to give tax breaks to PNC so it can build the #GreenestBankHeadquartersEvah. Meanwhile, the temperature and the remnants of the recent #SnowAndIceStorm cause buses to breakdown across the city. trolly service delays due to a shutdown in a tunnel and a multi-car accident on the Parkway West--all at the same time during morning rush hour. I'll make sure to wish you a Happy Alpha Proxima Day in a few weeks. #Douchebag.
The forum, presented in conjunction with the National League of Cities, is a gathering of French and American government leaders and climate change experts in advance of theUnited Nations Paris Climate Conference being held in December 2015.The Mayor’s flight and hotel accommodations are being covered by the French Embassy.
Way to let us know you aren't doing this on the city's dime, Mayor Greenjeans--because you're all about #FiscalResponsibility and #Transparancy. Just like it's #FiscallyResponsible to give tax breaks to PNC so it can build the #GreenestBankHeadquartersEvah. Meanwhile, the temperature and the remnants of the recent #SnowAndIceStorm cause buses to breakdown across the city. trolly service delays due to a shutdown in a tunnel and a multi-car accident on the Parkway West--all at the same time during morning rush hour. I'll make sure to wish you a Happy Alpha Proxima Day in a few weeks. #Douchebag.
I love that gif!
ReplyDeleteWe're gonna have plenty of Algorean Asshoytes to throw into the furnaces when the ice sheets start making their way across the Canuckistani border and scrape that anal wart called Dearbornistan through the streets of Detoilet.
ReplyDelete*Assholytes (If you could fix that typo up there, I'd appreciate it.)
ReplyDeleteI have computer models that show the atmosphere is over 70% nitrogen. This is, of course, all humanity's fault. Tell your mayor to send me a certified check or money order for $500 million so I can avert this disaster. (Any Cali minions out there, tell Governor Moonbeam to send three billion or so. Money order or cash only, I don't trust checks from California.)
ReplyDeleteMeanwhile, over in Blighty, the Ecotards have marched on London, to protest about Climate Change:
Check out the Faecesbook page:
You'll love the
"Polar bear blockade of Westminster Bridge"...
The only good thing about this lunacy is the (apparently) tiny number of idiots who turned up. Even the Beeb and the Grauniad don't seem to have any mention of it!