Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Humpday Hawt: Rack 'Em Up


  1. I've seen the trick done with ping pong balls, but.......

  2. Let me introduce myself. I am the Patroller. Your blog is disgusting and must be destroyed. You cannot stop my allies.

    As an aside, tell that thick cunt Flaxon that I will be visiting his kiwi swamp very soon. Disabled toilet.

  3. Dear Patroller,

    Allow me to suggest that you shove a six-foot feather boa up your back passage.

    That way you won't be inconvenienced by the fact that your toilet is disabled.



  4. The shit must be backing up a mile high!

    Good luck living in it pAtroller.

  5. McGoo, you vile cunt, you have no idea who you are dealing with. But now that you are on our radar, you will soon discover what happens to those that insult the Patroller.

    Are you ready for what is to come? I don't think you are. But then again, none of the fools who defied us in the past were ready either.

    Having something stuck up your arse will soon be the least of your worries.

  6. Patroller,

    Well, in point of fact, having something stuck up MY ass wasn't the idea at all, you bilious cretin.

    Your arse, your feather boa, your malfunctioning loo.

    And - no - I don't know who I'm dealing with, else I would call your parents and tell them to discipline you with vigor. And not with feather boa.

    If I'm now "on your radar", does it have sufficient resolution to discern the mighty middle finger I have thrust skyward in your general direction? I'm napping in terror - almost to the point of a yawn - at the approaching (and no-doubt unnoticeable) response of you and your - what? - collection of Barbie dolls?

  7. Oh Shit McGoo, What does it take for me to get on this
    rod smoking faggots radar? I feel so slighted!

    This freaking idiot is about as threatening as a Teddy Bear.

    Or maybe a rabbit:

  8. Oh, shit! I forgot to add that while he is using Radar,
    my gaydar has a VERY large blip on the CRT and the
    transponder reads Patroller.

  9. "I am napping in terror" -- McGoo FTW. Bwuhahahahahahahahaha.

    Your awesome is undiminished. I continue to grovel at the feet of the master.

  10. Don't mind the Patroller. He seems to follow me around the net like a pathetic lost puppy. I have it on good authority that he is a sad lonely individual. Pimply and fat- and that's just his scrotum. Clearly he is not a fan of attractive women sans clothes- must be a poof then. A sad fat poof with an extended ball sack. We should all be trembling in our boots as he comes across as a real lard ass, sorry I meant to say, hard ass. Looks like he is coming to see me. I wonder what japes he will get up to when he meets a 6' 7'' ex boxer. I hope he doesn't bleed on me.

  11. You have my deepest sympathy, Flaxon. Being followed around by that pathetic poofster must be irksome.

    I'm betting Patroller is female, although the "pimply & fat" description is probably still accurate.

    Reason? (1) The Patroller terms "disgusting, thick cunt, vile cunt, etc" seem distinctly feminine to me. No real guy calls another a "vile cunt". Not when there are so many other creative masculine insults one can hurl at an opponent. (2) The writing style is semi-aggressive, pluralized ("we" & "us"), but non-specific; hinting at a frustrated, passive-aggressive nature. This screams "fat twat" to me. (3) She probably wants your bod' in the worst way, and her unrequited lust has turned to hate due to your (unknowing and apparently "uncaring") neglect over time.

    When you finally meet the li'l buttwipe, don't hit "it" below the waist; it's ungentlemanly and you may get old stale menses on you.

    SG - it's always a privilege to post comments here!

  12. MrMcGoo, You may well have a point. I think we should all treat 'The Patroller' with the disdain and contempt he/she truly deserves. Don't feed the trolls should be our motto.

  13. The level of discourse has certainly risen since I last visited.

  14. He seems to have gone away all by himself. He probably went
    back to patrolling public restrooms in city parks. I so wanted
    to ask him what George Michael was like!

    Going to follow your advice from here on out Flaxen.

  15. You're right, Flaxen - of course I shouldn't encourage trolls. My only excuse is that I was mildly bored and the insignificant twit was an easy target.

    LJ - excellent Michael reference! I'm betting the Patroller's parents came home from vacation and took his IPad away from him/her again.

  16. Thank you MR. Steamboat. I have to tell you when I got word that
    George Michael had his bare ass up in the air with a "Welcome" sign
    in front of an undercover cop inside a shit-house in a public park,
    you could have knocked me over with a feather!

    I have not been that shocked since I heard that Liberace was gay.

  17. Liberace was gay! I'm truly shocked. He always seemed so manly- and suited those sequins so well. Next you will be telling me Tom Cruise is gay.

  18. You cannot defeat the Patroller. It's interesting to note that this swamp is full of a set of homophobic cunts.

  19. Tom Cruise did spend some time in the closet on a South Park
    episode. Seriously though, I always suspected that he is
    at least a switch hitter. There is something seriously
    wrong with a guy who loses three of the hottest chicks
    on the planet apart from his belief in Zenu.

  20. I think the turd just outed himself on a public forum!

  21. Who cares if Cruise is gay or not? It simply doesn't matter, like this pathetic site.

  22. I know I should not continue to engage the little homo, but it
    is a shitload of fun!

    It is possible I think that the little turd has no idea who
    Steamboat Mcgoo is. Any attempt to defeat The Steamboat in a
    battle of words (Or wits) is like bringing a pocketknife to
    challenge an artillery battalion. It is a war that you
    will lose my young homosexual cretin!

    We have already learned a lot more things about him than he
    knows about us; He is either a kid or a poorly educated
    leftist. He has a limited vocabulary, and finally he
    has already outed himself as a homosexual who is totally
    fixated on cunts. My unofficial diagnosis is that he
    is suffering from the same identity crisis that causes
    residents of San Francisco and West Hollywood to commit
    suicide. He is strangely attracted to cunts but cannot
    alter his chosen lifestyle, because he likes the feel
    of male members up his poop chute.

    PS If he is a poorly educated leftist, I cannot rule out
    the possibility that he may be the product of a worthless
    liberal arts degree in a subject like lesbian and homosexual
    studies, cultural anthropology or art history. If this is
    the case, he is no doubt in his twenties to thirties, living
    in his parents basement, and unable to find anything more
    rewarding than a minimum wage job serving overpriced coffee!

  23. Leonard, you have no analytical skills in the slightest degree.

    1. How am I a little homo? Present your evidence in clear and precise form, please.

    2. Explain in detail the word skills of your friend McGoo. Only precise and detailed examples are accepted.

    3. Explain what a 'leftist' is? If you are American (which you might be), then a 'leftist' is probably what you call a communist. But carry on your own awful insular American political discourse with yourselves. Even if you are not an old Yankee out of the old US of A, you are still lacking in the basic concepts of understanding your fellow human, in terms of political philosophy?

    Go back to your cesspit, you scum.

  24. Given your previous posts on this thread, are you claiming to have 'nailed' a man?

    You are the fool who keeps bringing up sodomy, so I thought I would throw it back in your court,

    Let's all see your next illuminating contribution on the affairs of the day.

  25. I did not say I nailed you, I said I nailed it (Meaning the profile of a
    of a rod smoking homosexual). Your use of the term "homophobe" revealed
    your sexual proclivities. I hope that the owner of this Blog does not
    block you. As much as I relish a battle of wits with an unarmed opponent,
    I cannot wait until the Master tears your ass to shreds!

    You have no fucking clue as to which ground you just trod, you clueless
    infantile wanker! The people on this Blog are operating on a level
    so far above yours, that you would need a 30' extension ladder just to
    kiss our asses.

    Please go back to playing Dungeons and Dragons in your parents basement and
    leave real men to engage in serious dialog! You are the single least
    threatening Internet Troll I have ever encountered (Both physically and
    intellectually). Forest Gump would be a greater challenge.

    You are a living, breathing example of a person with a post 60's education.
    I had you pegged from your first post!

  26. Still waiting for the wrath of the man who Patrols the public
    restrooms in search of gay sex! If your last retort was the
    best you have, I am dealing with an intellectual Pismire.

    Seeing as how you are the least intelligent Internet Troll I have
    EVER encountered, that means a Piss Ant. What am I going to have
    to do to make you understand you stepped onto the wrong Blog you
    fucking Mongoloid Idiot! Your scary threats will do NOTHING to
    to make anyone of us think you have the hacking skills of Retard!

    Sorry, I just insulted my oldest and dearest friend, whom I rescued
    from three idiots like you back in 1975. He has more intelligence
    in his left nut than you have in your entire fucking cranium!

    Hey Steamboat, do I need to engage the A team?

  27. I finally discovered who this guy is. The Patroller Of The
    Gay Bath Houses is actually General Maximilian Rodriguez de
    Santos. And I think I may have discovered the identity of
    his Minions.

    We should all be afraid, every afraid!

    This is great, an obscure comedy move reference and a Monty
    Python skit in a single post. The best fucking line in Viva
    Max was "Your men would not follow you into a whore house!"
    I think Steamboat may have been a scriptwriter back 1969!
