Friday, September 25, 2015

Latent Lingerie With Lesbians and Cocktails

Have a Spassfabrik weekend.


  1. I do loves the lesbians! By that I mean the hot ones, not the diesel
    dyke Rosie O'Donnell type.

  2. Nice collection. Leonard, no one likes the 'rough dykes except other rough dykes. Unfortunately, in my experience, a few exceptions aside, most lessies fit into this category. Ain't dat the sad truth?

  3. I think the hot ones are not really lesbians. They are either dabblers
    or pretenders. Some government grant actually funded a study to determine
    why lesbians were fat and ugly. The friggen' queston answers itself!

    If there were no fat and ugly women, lesbians would be statistically
    extinct. The same goes for gay men. If you discount young men trading
    their services for drug money, the gay population would be close to 0
    Within a generation or two.
