Monday, April 17, 2017

Monday Motivationator Spassfabrik Retrospective Spectacular

Now go! Fight! Win!


  1. What a great way to start the morning, Thanks! ( and patroller is an idiot, go away)

  2. Damn, I wish that West Hollywood peter puffer would just stop
    flapping his cock holster!

  3. Leonard does seem to reference West Hollywood in half of his posts.

    It forces one to wonder what delights in this area that Leonard knows about.

    Is it lying on bended knee to embrace his muscular rewards? Obviously, yes.

    Disabled toilet.

  4. Can someone explain to me WTF "disabled toilet" is supposed to mean?

  5. Anon, it is leftist Internet troll speak for "See how clever I am."
    Every Troll I have encountered had a similar line. One was "Carnival
    barker," as if a functional illiterate even knew what the hell that

    These are brain-dead zombies who know nothing they cannot glean from
    Wikipedia or some other Internet source. When I steered this particular
    idiot to Wikipedia to look up Louis Zamperini, it was as if I composed
    composed his response myself. I knew that he would focus on a single
    sentence about the loss of his bomber, because that was as far as I
    expected him (Or his kind) to read.

    He came back challenging my assertion that Zamperini was a hero without
    bothering to read about an earlier mission.

    A mind truly is a terrible thing to waste!

  6. Leonard fails to mention the numerous times he has been outwitted.

    Disabled toilet.

  7. Not to change the subject from the troll beating, but I haven't seen Lenka Gabarova in ages ... since the days of Perfect 10 magazine. I sorta thought the pic was Chrissy Tiegan at first. Had heard Lenka was doing porn some years back, then I guess she retired.

  8. Drew, in case you haven't noticed the trolls always win.

    You are clearly deluded. You are invited to return to your room, before you are let loose on the wider community.

    Fuck off. Disabled toilet.

  9. If gallons of sperm swallowed constitutes a win, Trolls win hands
    down! This site is FILLED with hot looking snooch and all this
    slacker moron living in mommies basement can do is issue inane
    3rd grade level insults, and threatening an old man.

    Drew, in the pop up where I am typing this message the GIF image
    at the bottom is distracting the shit out me! We already know it
    would have no effect on our friend the Troll.

    When he used an obscure Japanese term for a perverted homosexual
    sex act, he revealed something about himself! What do I have have
    to do, give this limp-wristed faggot turn by turn directions to
    my home? I did that already after the first few dozen times the
    little faggot threatened to do violence against Flaxon Saxon.

    I all but let him know that I lived within walking distance of
    Zamperini Field in Torrance. His fictional army of hackers could
    have narrowed down my exact address, but they only exist in his mind!

    I can give him directions to my new digs in the High Desert, but I,
    (Just like Flaxon) will die of old age waiting for this pusillanimous
    bone smoker to make good on his threats!

    Someone wrote a ballad in his honor:

  10. Leonard does tend to rant on a bit, doesn't he!

    No one cares where you live, you utter fool.

    Disabled toilet.

  11. And this is why my blog has registration.

  12. Drew, no one cares about your pathetic blog, so why mention it?

    Disabled toilet.

  13. Drew, you cunt, I had a look at your disgusting right wing blog.

    I was particularly interested with your link to the vile right wing nut jobs of Britain First - a closet group of Nazi sympathisers if ever there was one.

    You seem to have similar destestable views, based on your blog. I'm not surprised you frequent this backwater, along with individuals such as Leonard Jones and NYC Chris.

    Disabled toilet.

  14. Drew, I still read it every day, even though the volume of posts is
    much lower than it was in the old days. I really do miss those

  15. Goodbye Leonard Jones, you fool.

    Goodbye to this cesspit.

    Disabled toilet.

  16. We need an update, I am about to go blind from looking at that GIF!

  17. Soylent, you've been quite lately. Is everything "well" with you?

  18. Who is the chick in the first photo? Anyone?

  19. Bane/Wadders/Patroller are but one sad entity. Keyboard warriors are always tough behind a computer screen. He is welcome to visit me any day, I'd like to introduce him to my son and son in law. Both big gnarly men. Fuck with them and become the proud owner of a speech impediment and a pronounced limp.

  20. such a sexy collection! wonderful busty girls with gorgeous cunts ready to fuck
