Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Happy 4th


  1. Hope to see you back regularly!

  2. Good to see you back!

  3. Woot! SG is back!

    Happy Independence Day!

  4. You're back ! Hurrah !

  5. She's like a Smith & Wesson revolver.

    Everything you need and nothing that you don't.

  6. Flew the U.S. and the Gadsen flag yesterday. I do not have a
    third flag pole, but the wood I am sporting could be used to
    hoist this young glory!

  7. The filth returns. Lol.

  8. You sir, have been missed.

  9. SG, if it means only a post or two a week, by all means, do it! There
    are Lot of Bloggers on your Blogroll who are lucky to update once a
    month. If burnout was the issue, we can handle a little less snooch
    as long as we know you are all right buddy!

    It was the not knowing that was killing us. We needed to know you
    were all right.

  10. Or once a month as it's looking like. But I vote for more snooch.

  11. Just checking in as well, hoping things are ok.

  12. Another dead blog. Shit. All the good ones just fade away.

  13. Yea, tis the perfect woman as long as she can cook.

  14. I really like them busty and trimmed. Such a turn on...

    Also like here and here.

  15. http://imgbox.com/yn5BE4ZO

  16. The only true version is the Disabled toilet.

    Fuck off.

  17. Or classic corset snooch. Soylent was always good for that too. Shame he's just evaporated.

  18. He does post sometimes at


  19. Leonard Jones is a cunt. Fuck off.

  20. The cum slurping sausage smoker is back I see!

  21. Leonard, it has been a while since we have interacted.

    What have you been doing? Where have you been? Still attending that gay dogging orgy every Friday?

    You can fuck off.

    Drink bleach.

    Disabled toilet.

  22. Leonard Jones, this blog is dead. Never ever post on this swamp again.

    If you defy me, you will meet the Master.


    Fuck off..

  23. The master peter puffer has spoken boys!

  24. Leonard, the Master approaches you......

    It's the tree of woe for you....


    Fuck off..

  25. I am quaking in my steel-toed work boots faggot! Do you want directions
    to where I live? We played this game before Bukake Boy and you were too
    fucking chickenshit to show up at my door!

    Your imaginary army does not exist you delusional MEllinneal TWAT! If
    you have the balls to show up at my home, you will be met by a hailstorm
    of lead! First clue: I now live in Central Hesperia in the High Desert
    of Southern California.

    I will gladly give your cock-smoking ass turn by turn directions. Be sure to share this information with your goat fucking buddies in the Middle East. I have some new armor piercing ammo I need to test, so wear some body armor!

    1. Leonard, you are clearly a gun obsessed deranged right wing American cretin.

      Let me guess, you are also one of those fools who is preparing for the end of the world? I thought so.

      Au revoir cunt.

      Fuck off.

  26. THE FAGGORTY IS GREAT WITH THIS ONE! Bukkake boy and his army of Castro
    district bone smokers will be in orgiastic ecstasy along with his imaginary legions of rump rangers cannot celebrate the loss of this once great Blog.

    The Patroller of the gay bathhouse, the mama's boy living in his mother's
    basement is all the evidence I need to get Soylent to revive this Blog!
    Soilent, come back if only to block this stupid cocksucking bastard from
    making another post! Come home, Chris.

    I hit this Blog every day to access your blogroll. Do not let this cock-
    sucker be the last thing you are remembered for. WE NEED SNOOCH!

  27. Leonard believes the Florida school murders had nothing to do with guns.......

    What a fucking idiot this piece of human detritus truly is....


    Fuck off....

  28. This blog is now officially dead.

    Leonard and the rest of you can officially fuck off.

    Disabled toilet.

  29. WTF happened? Why all the hostility? I'm just glad to see this.

  30. Mind you, and again a WTF, this was damn near a year ago! I never thought more than a day or two at the max was ever missed in the past.

  31. Patroller of the gay bathhouse: Do you want me to post my address
    so that you and your imaginary army of minions can pay me a visit?
    Wear military grade body armor because I need to test some new

    I used to work in a private sanitarium, so I have seen your kind
    before. Even your delusions have delusions!

  32. Leonard Jones is still a deranged right-wing American cunt.

    Lol.. Fuck off.

  33. This is so sad! The bone smoking Mellineal twat living in his mommy's
    basement is STILL trolling a dead Blog. In a word, it is called "pussy."
    Once he tries it, he may never go back to sucking dick in the Castro District
    of San Franfagsow! Disregard my message. He does not even know what a pussy
    looks like and he is so addicted to the homosexual lifestyle, he never will!

  34. Disabled toilet.

    Lol.... Fuck off..

  35. A slightly early Merry Snootchtastic Christmas to you Soylent, wherever you are!

  36. Leonard Jones is an idiot.

    Disabled toilet.

  37. What a beauty, lovely figure wonderful boobs
