Monday, April 8, 2019

Monday Motivationator...With Coffee and FUR

Now go! Fight! Win! And definitely embiggenify.


  1. Mr Green, your choice of 'totty' is without peer. A stunningly beautiful woman. Can't stare at her too long as I risk going blind. I'm so glad that you decided to 'come back' to the fold. Your hiatus left your fans in 'snooch limbo'. Your absence resulted in much tribulation and gnashing of teeth. Mayhap you were incarcerated and unable to post? But the voices in my head tell that you went through a personal trauma which rendered you insensible and unable to post. Fair enough, trauma is a daemon that stalks all humanity. How we handle life's 'slings and arrows' defines our manhood, eventually. Of course, I could be spouting utter and total bollocks.

  2. I'm motivated... the motivation is exponential as I pass this on to many, and they the same, thank you!

  3. Adele Stephens, she's a Brit:
