Wednesday, May 1, 2019

May Day

You will be having glorious fake Russian snooch for great peoples' fake holiday.
Женщинам! And embiggenifyski!


  1. A man could drown in those tits. A great addition to your portfolio, Mr Green.

  2. Run along Flaxen, you ould pervert.


    Fuck off.

  3. It didn't take long for the sausage smoker to return Flaxen!

    He has been trolling this site all the while it was dormant.

  4. Indeed, the patroller has been dogging me for years. Not sure what he gets from the enterprise. Scant jollies, I suspect. This time he didn't state, 'disabled toilet'. Maybe he is starting to mellow. Trolls have a certain life expectancy and perhaps he is in mortal decline? Gets us all in the end. Sadly, he doesn't even bother to Troll my site anymore. When a Troll stops becoming a Troll does he become a Dwarf? I would like to think so. Of course, he could have been a Dwarf all along. Difficult to tell from his comments.

  5. Leonard Jones and Flaxen back together. Two pathetic old perverts who have fallen souls.


    Fuck off.

  6. Flaxen, I find it ironic that a Millennial dick-smoker is calling
    you an old pervert. Oh, he misspelled a word. He was probably
    distracted by that dick up his Internet trolling ass while typing
    his post in his mommies basement!

  7. Indeed Leonard. As for being a pervert: Surely, a heterosexual man finding pleasure in naked women is normal behaviour. Mayhap, our deluded friend has had so much semen pumped up his flaccid arse that he can longer recognise reality.

  8. Leonard and Flaxen display an intimate knowledge of anal affairs.

    Bum buddies?


    Fuck off.

  9. This from an Internet troll with intiment knowledge of an obscure homosexual
    Ritual sex practice! The cock-smoking man bun wearing Millennial faggot
    will never get the better of heterosexual males.

  10. Leonard, I’ve gotten the better of you in all of our conversations. You’re just too old to understand or remember.

    Do you value your existence as an old pervert? Can you still get it up? I doubt it.


    Fuck off.

    I’ll be visiting Flaxen’s blog soon. Disabled toilet.

  11. I got it up for your mother homo and she thanked me profusely
    except I had trouble understanding her because her mouth was
    full at the time!

    Do you still want to spar with me Castro District boy? I have
    never understood how some men can look at another man's hairy ass
    and find love. I managed to wreck my anal orifice a few times,
    but it involved a manly pursuit like applying too much CaJohns
    Trinidad Scorpion Moruga chili sauce on a meal. It must be hell
    for the pillow biting perverted deviant sausage smokers to have
    sore assholes 24/7!

    The Patroller of the gay bathhouse needs to spend more time
    marching in the San Franfagshow pride parades and less time trolling
    better men than this momma's boy will ever live to be. He is a
    guttles unemployed little faggot living his mother's basement who
    sips lattes with his fellow Omega males at Starbucks. He is not
    only not a man, but he is also a waste of the sperm that created

    His mother should have swallowed that night like she did with me.

    PS I do not hide behind moronic handles and fake personas. If
    you were the master hacker and leader of minions you claimed you
    were, you would have already found me and would have had your ass
    stomped like a Narc at a biker rally just like your communist
    lesbian idol Hillary Clinton.

    PPS I think Flaxen has as much to fear from you as he would a gnat (annoying, but not even worth the effort to squash!) Tell your
    mother I said hi. She told me I was the best she ever had.

  12. Leonard had to write an essay to a troll. What a truly pathetic man!


    Fuck off.

  13. Hello Leonard in Hesperia. Fuck off.

  14. It looks like the homosexual troll sucked off a real hacker
    and got my location down to 70+ square miles. For a self-
    proclaimed super genius, it took him long enough. Let us see
    if he is going to play his usual game of making nutless threats
    against real men. I'll be waiting for the sausage smoker, but
    I'll bet money he'll be too chickenshit to show up!

  15. Leonard, you idiot, you revealed your general location 2 years ago on a previous post. You’re an old man, so flights of memory are acceptable from scum like you.

    Why would I want to go anywhere near you? You just want to shoot things, like most gun wielding Americans.

    Thankfully, I come from better climes.

    Try another essay to a troll?


    Fuck off...

  16. Arrgh. I was hoping this blog was coming back to life. Sadly, it looks dead again. Dam.

  17. I’m very happy with the situation.


    Fuck off..

  18. Fuck off Heseria.

  19. As usual, the mal-educated Millennial sperm receptacle has not
    yet learned to spell. It must be hard typing on his computer
    keyboard when some man is banging his bunghole. If I were to
    respond directly with this wasted fuck, it would be to tell
    him that I want him to tell his mother I said hi!

    This master hacker and commander of an army that only exists in
    his pea-sized brain could not locate me when I gave him almost
    turn by turn directions when I lived in Lomita. I did the same
    after I moved to the High Desert. It seems all of this dick-smokers
    threats against Flaxon Saxon were as devoid of substance as the
    internal components of his cranial cavity.

    If this wannabe hacker is so fucking stupid that he cannot spell
    Lomita even with a spell checker, I weep for his parents because
    they will be saddled with his slacker ass into his 50s! And like
    Bud Bundy, he will be a sexless troll and an Incel until the day
    he dies. Albert Einstein was correct, "The difference between
    genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits."

    PS By sexless troll, I was talking about heterosexual sex, so that
    does not count as a contradiction. This fucking faggot is a walking
    poster boy for 100th Trimester abortions!

  20. Leonard writes another essay to a troll, what a truly pathetic fool.

    It’s funny how this gun crazy American, who lives in some California hellhole, projects himself as the alpha male.

    The truth is that we are dealing here with an old fucker, with a shrivelling cock who can’t get it up anymore.

    Enough time spent commenting on this fool.


    Fuck off.

  21. It looks like that cretin Leonard has finally fucked off back to the swamp he inhabits.


    Fuck off.

  22. Oh, the sausage smoker of the gay bathhouse is lonely. The poor
    boy must have missed his 15x daily dose of protein (taken orally.)
    If I were inclined to communicate with him directly I would tell
    him to move to the Castro District in San Franfagshow so that he
    can have all the male members he likes.

    PS His mother LOVED mine!

  23. The cretin Leonard replies......

    Leonard, I’m cumming to California next month. I might pay you a visit. Let’s see what happens.


    Fuck off.

  24. No, you are not cumming. The only person who will be cumming is your
    boyfriend in your mouth! You have fewer functioning brain cells in
    your head that Alexandria Empty Cortex. You are an all bark, no
    bite coward with delusions of leading an imaginary army. Bring
    someone who knows about firearms to make this a fair fight.

    BTW, tell your mama I said hi!

    I am eagerly awaiting your arrival.

  25. Cumming soon Leonard, you cum gagling faggot.

    Cum back soon for further updates.


    Fuck off.

  26. Still waiting for you to show up, I need some target practice!

  27. I’m cumming soon Leonard, you faggot. I approach from the North, journeying down through Washington and Oregon. I arrive in California soon. I’m just rammed two sluts up all holes..


    Fuck off.

  28. Was one of them your mother?

    PS Down through Washington and Oregon? I take it you come from the
    land of the perverts, Canuckistan? That explains your sexual proclivities!

  29. I’m staying with a friend in LA for the next few weeks. My base has been established.

    In the meantime, I will attend a swingers orgy this evening. I can ram as many female holes as I desire.

    My brother arrives soon . Then we look to the cretin...


    Fuck off.

  30. How does one "swing" in a gay bar? Does it involve dropping trou bending
    over and spreading one's ass cheeks? Given your intimate knowledge of
    obscure homosexual sex rituals, I would say that you are trying to
    butch-up in order to pass as a real man! PS does your brother take it
    in the ass too?

  31. My brother has arrived. We now begin the operation against the cretin.

    We begin today with a journey to Lytle Creek. I want to buy some scopes, my brother wants to look at some more probing material.

    We will get the best in preparation for the coming trials.

    My brother is a member of a questionable European organization.

    The approach continues....


    Fuck off.

  32. Would he be from the cheese-eating surrender monkeys in France? I don't
    deal with delusional Walter Mitty types much, but as I said before, bring
    it on. I'll die of old age before you can even figure out where I live!

  33. Leonard, you are the one with delusions. The rewards will belong to me at the end.

    We’ll let you wait for a few days. We bring forth our plans in the meantime.

    It is unavoidable. It is your destiny.

    Disabled toilet.

  34. Leonard, the approach nears the end. My brother has taken care of everything. All that remains is the end.

    Fuck off....

  35. I knew the Patroller of the Gay Bath House was all talk and no balls.
    He must have been sidetracked by a severe yeast infection. It's
    kind of hard for an unemployed slacker living in his mothers
    basement to represent a threat to a real man! Once he finishes
    scratching his vagina, I am sure he will be around sometime soon.

    On his way out he should ask mommy about me. She said it was the
    best she ever had.

    PS Someone should tell this Walter Mitty wanna be that the general
    store in Lytle Creek that sold ammo and accessories closed DECADES
    AGO! He can't even come up with a decent bluff!

  36. Leonard Jones is a nasty little piece of human detritus.

    Disabled toilet.

  37. The homo millennial is still trolling this Blog! I thought that his
    mommy would have set him straight by now. After I wrecked her vagina
    I gave her a Dicken's Cider can. She didn't even bother to wipe the
    shit off my dick when she gave me the best blow-job of my life!

    You still wanna fuck with me queer?

  38. Leonard, we’re not finished yet. Time is a wonderful aid.

    Disabled toilet.

  39. Nice try Andrew or whatever your real name is. It will not work!
    The Blogger and I are not only Email buddies, but we have also
    communicated via snail mail and have conversed on the phone. There is no fucking way you can avoid being banned no matter
    how many aliases you use!

    BTW, I have to apologize for saying I banged your mother when
    you were attending a gay rally. I banged your mother when you
    were attending a pink pussy hat demonstration!

  40. Leonard, you disgusting pervert, the time of purification approaches.

    Prepare yourself.

    Disabled toilet.

  41. I just read that the cock-smoking leftist troll leftist Internet troll
    paid a visit to the Feral Irishman. He was immediately banned! There is
    nothing sadder than a 30-year-old man still living in his mommies basement!

    PS How is your mother? I left her squeaking from the freaking!

  42. Leonard, it’s interesting to know that you are still alive, you cum gaggling faggot.

    It’s a pity you’ve learned nothing over time. You carry on with the same online sexual fantasies that have haunted your soul for years.

    I almost feel sorry for you cunt.

    Just fuck off.

  43. I will not stop fucking with faggots until they stop trolling conservative

    I wish him good luck in his lifelong unemployment while playing videogames
    in his mothers basement eating Hotpockets though. I'll bet I can wrap my
    thumb and forefinger around the biceps of the Patroller of the Gay Bath
    house. He would fit right in with the Panty-fags. I have never seen
    such a pathetic waste of sperm!

  44. It's quite clear that Leonard is a sexually frustrated old fucker.

    He strokes again and again but can't get it up.

    The only waste of sperm came from his father. Leonard now can only taste sperm on bended knee.

    Disabled toilet.

  45. Still waiting for that faggot and his imaginary army to come and
    kill me. Apart from being a pervo, he lacks the balls to go
    against a real man. He is like those Panty-fags whose biceps are
    so small a man could wrap his thumb and forefinger around it. You
    would think he would have fattened up a bit from all the Hot pockets
    he eats in his mommy's basement. He is an incel who will never have
    sex with a woman, so the Bukkake Boy has to seek sex in the Castro
    District or West Hollywood. At least I spelled it right, unlike
    this fucking moron! His mother must be so proud of him!

  46. Goodbye Leonard, you disgusting right wing idiot.

    Disabled toilet.

  47. The Incel who is living in his Mommies basement challenged my manhood.
    How cute! I can still get it up at age 64, while this involuntary
    celibate is consigned to a sexless life if you discount sucking dicks
    in gay bathhouses! His mother must be frustrated that she will never
    see a grandchild.

  48. One does wonder who can now inspire Leonard to get it up in the future. He’s had a hard on for Trump for the past four years. Now Trump is departing....perhaps Leonard is wanking over Pence. Who knows?

    Poor little Leonard in the corner, with no friends and only a former VP to wank to.

    Elsewhere, the world will attempt to get over the last disgraceful 4 years from Trump.

    He’s likely heading for court in the next 18 months, maybe prison thereafter. Leonard probably wants to join the fat fuck and suck him off.


    Fuck off..,

  49. What will the spunkmeister general, Leonard, do on the day of Biden’s inauguration?

    * Wank to Trump
    * Wank to Pence
    * Wank to Fox News
    * Wank to Newsmax
    * post incoherent rubbish on right wing American conspiracy websites
    * Fire his guns.... his main gun doesn’t grow anymore or produce seed

    He will then probably disappear back to his familial swamp.


    Fuck off.

  50. Wank to Karl Marx
    Wank to Twatter
    Wank to CNN etc.

    What's the point, you Milleanneal Incle? At least I have had sex
    with actual women!

  51. The point was clearly made that you are a disgusting individual, with detestable views like Trump.

    Run along pleb.

  52. Happy New Year to all including that spunkbucket Leonard Jones!


    Fuck off.
