Tuesday, March 26, 2013

WWF Celebrates Successful Child Abuse Campaign

Yes apparently they've so disturbed young people in Sweden that they are getting physically ill thinking about global warming.

“The sight of an idling car, heat-trapping carbon dioxide spewing from the tailpipe, would send me into an hours-long panic, complete with shaking, the sweats, and staring off into space while others conversed around me.”

Way to go, Eco-tards. You win the Assclown Of The Week award...and it's only Wednesday. Awesome. 

H/T Tom Nelson


Eric Praline said...

I get physically ill thinking about all the dipshits who still believe in this eco-bullshit. And you'd think people from Sweden would welcome a bit of warming, btw.

Soylent Sage said...

I seem to recall a comedian from, I don't know, the 80s? doing a routine about the Swedes' high suicide rate.

"Vats for deener schnookums...broccoli? Argh!"


Steamboat McGoo said...

The best thing we can do is guffaw repeatedly and uproariously (and publicly) at this eco-ass idiocy.

The Medieval warming period was arguably one of the two best times for civilization's advancement in human history - the other time being right after the Little Ice Age (which brought such delights as multiple black plague epidemics).

Kinda tells which temperature extreme to be wary of - yes?

Soylent Sage said...

Yeah, McGoo. We did so well under the Laurentide Ice Sheet.

edutcher said...

That was Steve Landesberg (more 70s than 80s), who also played Det Arthur Dietrich on "Barney Miller".

PS May I suggest you stake out as many soylent handles as you can (like soylentdealerschoice, soylenttowhomitmayconcern, etc.)?

And leave a forwarding address with somebody.

Soylent Sage said...

Sound wisdom, edutcher. And good memory on Steve.

davidc said...

I think I'll be an eco-theparist, charging $250 per hour ! Advise the eco-tards to carry rocks and twigs in their pockets. Sweet !!!

Soylent Sage said...

Great Idea, DV. Do you suppose you could hypnotize them into walking into the ocean with those rock-laden pants?