Sunday, April 14, 2013

Eco-Pr@n--Why Didn't I Think Of That?

Flash mob sex shows...naked babes in trees--all for the environment? Yep.
Marc Morano had this the other day, it's from The Guardian, but I saw it over at William Teach, so the link goes there. I, for one, welcome our new Eco-Pr@n neighbors, especially Maria here...

(Click to embiggenify.)

See, I've been saving the planet all along.


MCPO Airdale said...

Not sustainable - she shaves her pits!

Critter said...

not hairy enough for PETA.

Soylent Sage said...

MCPO--It appears she shaves more than that, so yes, as you and Critter note, she doesn't really fit the eco-skank profile.
Now, I could have posted more yeti-like specimens. That would have been more accurate, but less in keeping with the Soylent Ethos--scags and whales are for humorous purposes only.