Saturday, April 20, 2013

Get Wood For The Planet

That's right, the Center for Biological Diversity wants everyone to celebrate Earth Day by fucking like a bunny--except they aren't endangered. Still, they want you to put a helmet on that soldier with one of their colorfully packaged climate condoms like the one above, and orgy away because there are just too many humans. Hey, they have to save the planet for the roaches, bacteria, aliens. Not ForTheChildren.

H/T Junk Science


Critter said...

i don't get it. how does fucking with a latex condom save polar (or any other sort of) bears?

Eric Praline said...

This is the type of celebration I could really get behind. Too bad the only women who celebrate Earth Day are as hairy as polar bears and smell even worse.

Ogrrre said...

I'm celebrating by firing up the charcoal grill, adding some wet wood chips (hickory and mesquite), and charring some muscle tissue from a dead cow. I'm also going to leave my lights on all day long, and going for a long, unnecessary and purposeless drive. I only regret I don't have any tires or plastics to burn, or R-12 to release into the atmosphere.