Saturday, April 6, 2013

Scumbag Thief and Forger Says Freeman Dyson Has Ruined His Reputation

Peter Gleick--an admitted forger and thief, who should be in jail--says Freeman Dyson--who has Einstein's old job at the Institute for Advanced Study--has ruined his legacy by telling the truth about lying, self-aggrandizing "Climate Scientists."

Not only can't these guys read a thermometer, they can't spell hypocrisy.

H/T Steve Goddard for teh twit.


B.C. said...

Schmidt & Gleick will be two of the first strung up from hockey stick-shaped lamp posts when the SHTF after the global economy completely collapses from the Great GlowBull Green Scam™ and the coming New & Improved!™ Ice Age. Remember, hemp rope is Mother Gaia's Gift That Keeps On Giving.

Eric Praline said...

These men are fulfilling the promise of the great leader of Moronica, Moe Hailstone: To make the world safe for Hypocracy.

Steamboat McGoo said...

Like a bad penny, these asshats just keep showing up again and again spouting the same horseshit.

I am soooo sick of this crap.

Freeman Dyson kills more brain cells having a beer than Schmidt & Gleick ever had - and Dyson is still a genius afterwards.