Thursday, November 21, 2013

Headline Awesome: "Get Rid Of The Green Crap"

Of course it's political expediency, but still, from the Greenest Government Ever to this...?

Too bad our Omniscient Overlords evince even more hubris, and thus less expediency. 


Eric Praline said...

I'm sorry, I'm finding it hard to focus on the headline for some reason. Must be something blowing in the wind.

microdave said...

Much damage limitation going on - the party faithful claim he never said it, and the scumbag liberals say they will block any attempt at scaling back levies. Cleggeron has the brass cheek to insist that "green" taxes benefit the lowest paid thanks to all the wonderful home insulation schemes that nobody is taking advantage of. He completely forgets that high power bills hit that section of society proportionately much worse than the better off...