Saturday, December 7, 2013

How Is This Not Treason?

His Wholly Reluctance has DHS hiring Open-Boarder Activists and lawyers to make sure we are overrun with Illegals...who will of course be given the "right" to vote--for more Socialist largesse.
In totally unrelated news, the God/King said voter ID laws are anathema to those who love Democracy.


Eric Praline said...

This is most definitely treason, but it will never be prosecuted or investigated because the psychopaths and imbeciles that make up congress are also traitors.

Anonymous said...

How is anything that sumbitch has done for the last five years not treason??? How is it not treason that the Legislative and Judicial branches have just rolled over and allowed this POS to do whatever he pleases unopposed???

These are the questions everyone asks me. Even us lowly uneducated hicks out here in the Bible Belt seem to know more about the Constitution than the ones running the show. God help us all.

rickn8or said...
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rickn8or said...

Meh. HTML-Fu is fo shizzle tonight.

"...voter ID laws are anathema to those who love Democracy."

Yep, they most certainly are. Good thing for us we live in a republic, where voter ID laws are a good thing.