Monday, April 21, 2014

This Could Be Cool

Michael Fassbender in a new version of  "The Scottish Play."

Yeah, he's an Irishman...well half-Irish, and he's got Frenchie Marion Cotillard as Lady Macbeth.
Es there no a single Scot en the cast? Gee us a glass of the true.
Well, if they get that first scene between he two of them right--ie: all the dialog delivered during passionate, angry sex--they'll be the first. And aye, laddie, I'll drink te that. 


edutcher said...

Not unlike "300", with the only Spartan king with a Scots burr.

Eric Praline said...

So not only will Lady MacBeth be a frog, but she's also a spokesman for GreenPiss. I suppose in this version she wants to off King Duncan because he refuses to fill the Outer Hebrides with bird shredders.

LC Aggie Sith said...

You had me at Michael.

Also, from Soopermexican:

Critter said...

Eh. It's Shakespeare. No one will understand it anyway.

Leonard Jones said...

You do know why Scotsmen wear kilts?

Because sheep can hear zippers!