Thursday, April 10, 2014

Top O' Teh Twit: Weepy Bill

Weepy Bill must be off his meds agaian. He's congratulating Harvard for "full divestment." Apparently, Thermageddon is all a plot concocted by teh Joooooooos. I wonder if there's a 97-percent consensus on that.

I can hear Patsy Cline now...."Crazy..."
Psst, hey Bill, when there's more than one "divestment" agenda being pushed by leftist loons, you need to be clear about which one you're talking about.

Elevated from the comments for Awesome:
Soon the truth will get out that global warming is a plot to depopulate the world to prepare it for takeover by the Shapeshifting Lizard-Jooooooz from the 8th Dimension!1!1!1! They're going to steal our precious bodily fluids and kill us with chemtrails after giving our kids autism with childhood vaccinations!11!!!ELEVENTY!!1!


LC Aggie Sith said...

His entire twitty feed is hilarious.

I hope Harvard does follow through with it. The salty tears as their funds dry up would taste so, so good.

Eric Praline said...

The mask is finally slipping. Soon the truth will get out that global warming is a plot to depopulate the world to prepare it for takeover by the Shapeshifting Lizard-Jooooooz from the 8th Dimension!1!!1!1! They're going to steal our precious bodily fluids and then kill us with chemtrails after giving our kids autism with childhood vaccinations!11!!!ELEVENTY!!1!

Soylent Sage said...

Eric Wins The Internets today.

LC Aggie Sith said...

Seconded, SG.