Saturday, December 28, 2013

Even More Awesome Thermageddon FAIL: Icebreaker Sent To Rescue Icebound Ecotards Gets Stuck Too

It doesn't get any better than this.  Bwuhahahahahahahahahhhaha.

Elevated from the comments for #Awesome:
"Apparently there's a French icebreaker coming to rescue the Chinese icebreaker that was going to rescue the Russian icebreaker. I wonder how many icebreakers fit into the sea between the south pole and New Zealand?" -- critter.


The Jannie said...

They'd be better off bashing the ice with hockey sticks. They're sure to have some of varying shapes . . .

Lord Galleywood said...

I hear that the second ice breaker as also given up - It can't get better than this - Can it? :D

Eric Praline said...

The only way it could get better would be if the ecotards got a permanent reminder of their fucktardery, like losing a foot or nose to frostbite. Better yet, literally freezing their balls off so they can't reproduce.

Critter said...

apparently there's a French icebreaker coming to rescue the chinese icebreaker that was going to rescue the russian icebreaker. i wonder how many icebeakers fit into the sea between the south pole and New Zealand?

Leonard Jones said...

There is nothing in the world that
beats this! My Jr. HS science
teacher taught me that water is the only element that expands as it gets colder.

Al "Bullshit" Gore had to know that as he showed images of glacial ice breaking off into the sea, that he was undermining his own argument!