Tuesday, January 7, 2014

So, How Does It Feel To Be SNL's First EEO Comedienne

ICYMI, Saturday Night Live, has decided to accede to extortion demands from the #RacialOutrage mongers at ColorOfChange.org by hiring Sasheer Zamata.

Yes, apparently some number of the dozen or so people who watch the show were feeling RacialOutrage or GenderOutrage or both because it hasn't had a Black female cast member since the Bush administration. There is apparently no outrage that the show has not been funny since the Clinton administration.

In a Jan. 7 press release, COC Chief Grievance Monger Rashad Robinson patted himself on the back for blackmailing NBCUniversal:

(Click to embiggen.)

SNL producer Lorne Michaels said he would now work on addressing the extortion demands of audience members claiming discrimination against left-handed, Siamese, lesbian dwarfs of Hawaiian/Basque descent.

Zamata said she expects the new job will open lots of doors in the future.(no she didn't.)
Hey, she might actually be funny, but the process certainly was not.
Go check how many MFM reports on her addition to the cast mention COC.
Yeah, nothing says "you earned this" like spineless capitulation from the suits, which is then covered up.
Hmmm, is using 'blackmail' in this context insensitive? Gee, I hope so.
Comedienne? Oh yeah. I did that on purpose.

UPDATE: Variety says the hire is tokenism and will put an asterisk next to Zamata's name whether she's original, funny and talented or not.
No mention of COC. 


JerseygirlAngie said...

She may actually be a talented comedienne - but she will forever be known as the "equal opportunity" hire .

Soylent Sage said...

Yes. That was the point I was trying to make.

Eric Praline said...

I feel sorry for her, not because of the affirmative action shit, but because SNL is where comedy careers go to die. This is the last we'll hear of her unless she goes on a shooting rampage.

ooGcM taobmaetS said...

Yep. reverse-racism and reverse-bias are just as ugly and stupid (and useless) as classic (white) racism. And committed by some of the same people, heh-heh!

Cream floats to the top naturally - be it "white" cream or "black" cream.

Soylent Sage said...

Yeah, McGoo. But these guys are pikers compared to Jesse Jackson. He at least got franchises for his kids when he blackmailed Budweiser and Coca Cola.

ooGcM taobmaetS said...

I thought Budweiser flat turned him down when he tried shaking down the brewer with threats of "racial issues" amongst the (black) employees?

I read it in - where else? - "Shakedown".

But you're right - they are scum, but he's the whole putrid pond.

VonZorch said...

"Cream floats to the top naturally - be it "white" cream or "black" cream."
So does scum, for examples look at politicians.

Anonymous said...

I am surprised they didn't hire Latisha Rosita Running Deer Gonzalez Washington Carver Goldstein and get all of it done in one fell swoop!