Friday, September 19, 2014

Update to the #AskDrMann Guffaw Fest

Thanks to all who took part in the #AskDrMann hilarity over at Teh Twit the other day. I went to thank Mark Steyn for using my tweet title for one of his posts, and found he'd crafted this succinct summation of the afternoon's events...

Hmmm, seems there's a...wait for it...consensus. Bwuhahahahahahaha.
Damn, I forgot to tell him about being added to Greg Laden's Climate Deniers List. Damn again, I still have to make my badge. Ah, a skeptic's work is never done.
Oh yeah, I forgot--Arrrgh and avast ye bilge rats, rape and pillage, and keel haul...something.
AND....Look who was, literally, Top O' Teh Twit:


LC Aggie Sith said...

It was rather epic. I don't think Mann can recover from that :D

B.C. said...

Mikey Mann is so incompetent, even his clusterfucks are clusterfucks.

ooGcM taobmaetS said...

Mann is one of the idiots that prompted SG's famous quote:

“These guys (Climate Scientists) are so incompetent, they have to cheat to prove a circular argument.” — Soylent Green

To paraphrase Churchill:

"Never have so few (words) conveyed so much (truth) so succinctly."

Soylent Sage said...

From the master, high praise. TY, McGoo.
Still, BC, I think your line is sidebar worthy.

Eric Praline said...

I think I got a hernia laughing so hard. Do you think Mikey will have enough money left after Steyn is done with him to make suing him for medical damages worthwhile?

Unknown said...

Stole a crude cartoon image of Mann and am working a little
PhotoShop magic on it. Need to see what he would look like
with a hockeystick up his ass!

Bunk Strutts said...

Heh. Burn.

ooGcM taobmaetS said...

Lately its getting really hard to even understand the Warmists' statements - what with their feet stuck permanently into their pieholes.

Leonard Jones said...

One of the things that is bothering me in this whole debate
is the term "Denier." I am not a scientist, nor have I
attended college. But my mother did one thing very right.
She taught me how to read even before I entered Kinder-
garten. All the books I read on physics and astronomy do
not make me a scientist. However, when I am called a denier
it offends me. I am calling for the people who are
perverting science to do the right thing. If anything, they
are the deniers. All we are doing is calling for an honest
debate and a return to scientific methods and principals.
Our opposition is driven by the need to keep science pure
and not influenced by politics or ideologies of any kind.
My passionate Jr Hi science teacher said that science is
the unrelenting pursuit
of the truth.

Lord Galleywood said...

I don't know what I have done to be added to Gregs deniers list :D

Soylent Sage said...

Well, LG, you're expelling 4,000 ppm of CO2 just sitting there--so, you're evil.

Bunk, good to here from you.

Lord Galleywood said...

SG - I must not be trying hard enough then - Most other folk expel 40,000ppm. No, really :)

Soylent Sage said...

Eh, what's an order of magnitude here or there...especially with these Carbon Kleptocrats.