Monday, November 3, 2014

UN:Unless We Take All Your Money, Thermageddon Will Kill Us All...Again

Yes, by now you've probably seen the front page of your local fish wrap echoing the UN IPCC's proclamation that !!!We're all gonna die!!! unless we reduce fossil fuel use to ZERO by 2100.  But Tony, aka Steve Goddard, noted that the histrionic hooey--placed in the Synthesis Report at the specific behest of Ban Ki-Moonbat and President Obola because the AR 5 wasn't scary enough--is actually good news:
"Celebrate: the UN has just granted Earth a 100-year reprieve from Global Warming. In 1989, the UN said we had until the end of the 20th century to save the planet from Global Warming. Now they say we have until the end of the 21st century."
Of course the climate kleptocrats say eliminating fossil fuels is "affordable," as long as you don't include the cost of all those who will die freezing in the dark every year. But again, as Tony noted, we've already run that experiment...

Of course, the only reason the GISS numbers are anywhere near Scenario C is because Gavin Schmidt has used the "300 percent solution" pictured in the sidebar to add "corrections" to the temperature record.
These crooks are still pushing for a binding global Thermageddon deal to be signed in Paris that would compel us to live like 8th century serfs while the UN and its favorites dally in Davos and canoodle on the Cote D'Azur. As unlikely as an actual agreement is, a Republican takeover of the Senate would insure we don't sign it.
Curious how that report was headlines in the MFM one day before the US elections, isn't it?


Eric Praline said...

If they really think some bullshit headline about glowbull worming can sway the elections, they must have just woken up from a decade long nap. Nobody who is going to vote believes it anymore, and the young dipshits who do believe in AGW don't know there's an election because the Blight Bringer isn't on the ballot.

Soylent Sage said...

Blight Bringer....AWESOME!!!! Hadn't heard that one. Beautiful, Eric.

Eric Praline said...

Can't take credit for it SG, that would go to Misha I.

Flaxen Saxon said...

Good. I wont be around when everything goes tits up. Or will I......