Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Top O' Teh Tweet: Punking "Weepy Bill"

If I do say so myself...

Oh, did I say "Weepy Bill"? Why, yes. Yes I did...

You might want to embiggenify that. Just sayin' #HomageToTheDailyBayonet
Oh, and I've put my live-ish twitter feed over in the right sidebar. That's where most of my Thermageddon rants and political tirades are these days. You may have noticed they have been fewer and farther in-between over here.
 But on the bright side, that leaves more room for snooch and craziness. See, inside every silver lining, there's a dark cloud.


ooGcM taobmaetS said...

Is it just me, or is that's a rather odd-looking li'l belly button?

Flaxen Saxon said...

That cute little button just needs love.