Thursday, April 16, 2015

3,000,000 Siberians Can't Be Wrong

Well, well...Three million minions here at Soylent Siberia. That's only a million less than I had when they banished me here from WordPress. #FuckTheCodeMonkeys!
And though I haven't had any successes like Catalina Robayo-level traffic (30k in a day, 200k in a week) or shut down the Weblog awards, I recently did--single-handedly, I like to believe--avert a global code monkey meddling meltdown with my Lesbian Sexual Identity Google Gambit. Now, some would argue that campaign exhibited far more redeeming social value than all of my previous pawnage of the hyperverse. Yet, even though I pimped in on Teh Twit and Google, my audience is still 60 percent of what it once was. What does that tell me? It tells me I need to find more South American beauty contest hotties baring their beavers--lesbian or not.
Yeah, but for now, you'll have to settle for Aliya Wolf because snooching for naked international beauty contest winners takes time I don't have right now and because, in addition to being horny,  I'm also thirsty...

That will embiggenify...something, BTW.
And now that you're back, thanks for stopping by and contributing to my mission of keeping the unbalanced off-balance. We'll do it again in another eight months, unless things improve or the code monkeys, or the government, shut me down. Either way. Until then, #FuckEmAll and pour me another.


Eric Praline said...

Congrats and may your nets never be neutral. America needs its Science, Snark, and Snooch now more than ever.

Anonymous said...

fuck yeah!


South American beauty contest hotties - OK, good idea

I'a all Songkran out - off the booze till I lose 5kg

have a good one

Vector1960 said...

Awesome. Congrats!

Flaxen Saxon said...

A bit plastic, but fantastic all the same.