Sunday, October 18, 2015

Coffee Creamer: School Daze


Flaxen Saxon said...

Extend your hands, love.

Patroller said...

Fuck off Flaxen, you quarterwit.

Anonymous said...

Better to be a quarterwit than a nitwit

Patroller said...

Anon, disappear and do not annoy the Patroller again.

Leonard Jones said...

I was sort of hoping the one-hit moron would tire of befouling this Blog.
From the moment the homosexual arrived, all he has done has been to
flap his cock-holster (for the benefit gay Internet trolls, that
means his mouth.) Just once, I want to see him try to carry out
one of his physical threats against me, shit I would pay good money
to make that happen!

Alas that will never come to pass, as I fear he is not equipped with
a functioning pair of balls. I believe he learned his cock-sucking
skills from his mother, but the pathetic Bukake Boy has failed
even that simple task. You have to pretty fucking bad at something to not
master it after doing it 10,000 times! This pathetic little Internet
troll who lives in his mother's basement just suffered a horrible accident.
The fantasy woman he claims to be married to, had a run-in with a carpet
tack, and sprang a leak. Poor Puto-troller was completely out of
inner tube patches.

Your average delusional troll with an imaginary army of minions, is as
threatening as My Little Pony. He is an unemployed mellinneal slacker
living in his mommies basement. The rod smoker will eventually wake
up and realize the waste that is his life, and eat a gun in the basement,
thus ending his sad, pathetic existance.

Any time now David!

Critter said...

She needs cream in that coffee.

Patroller said...

Leonard, you do like to carry on with your idiotic and delusional ramblings, don't you cretin?

Try and up your performance and we might give a fuck.

Leonard Jones said...

Can you guys believe this! The Puto-Troller is calling me delusional.
That's right, the same mellinneal pillow biter who has an army of
imaginary minions he threatens to unleash to smite his enemies.

The same unemployed slacker liVing with his mommie who has threatened
several members of this Blog, by promising them he will "pay them a
visit." Even he has given up on the idle threats because he is as
scary as the Smurfettes he drooled over before he discovered the gay
bath houses in West Hollywood.

Poor mother Pud-Troller. She must be crying herself to sleep every night
knowing she will never cradle a grandchild in her arms. When she carries
her bitter, acrid disappointment to her grave, her son the homosexual
will still be living in the basement, and still nursing on male
sex organs. Her shame must be unbearable, knowing the the last time
he was within a mile of a pussy, she was shitting him out of her

His are the pathetic ramblings of a self-absorbed narcissistic member
of the Worst Generation, the one which it's members believe they
are entitled to a living without working. 100 years ago, the pathetic
little prick would have starved to death.

Patroller said...

Leonard, calm down, breath slowly, sit, relax. Maybe then you will stop writing the utter drivel above. Your views on the younger generations are beneath contempt.

I am immensely happy with my current employment - a very well paid job in a highly esteemed profession.

You are a typical American hick - guns, questionable right wing views, probably against the Feds, and a myriad of other conspiracy theories to fuel your fallen soul.

Leonard Jones said...

Jacking off in a basement to a publicity poster of Punky Meadows
does not qualify as employment.

How is that for a reference the pathetic bone-smoker will not get
in a million years?

Patroller said...

Leonard, as usual you know nothing.

You did not address a single point mentioned in my last post. You need to get beyond the basement argument, as I am posting from a condo.

Come on thicko, try your best.

Leonard Jones said...

I am about to send a post I am composing on the subject of the Puto-Troller.
About 10 years ago, I brought a jar of Tostitos hot salsa to work. I bought
a breakfast plate off the roach coach and took both into the break room.
I offered some to Davie, a very nieve 35 year old. He went all macho
an poured the shit all over his meal. He said "This stuff is not so bad."

A week later I took a jar of Tostitos mild, telling him it was a lot hotter
than the shit I brought in a week earlier. You would have thought by his
reactions that I handed him some Trinidad Scorpion Moruga sauce.

I played the troll like a 2 dollar fiddle.

Leonard Jones said...

In any debate between an under-educated Millennial and someone
2-3 times his age, the Millennial will get his ass stomped
like a Narc at a biker rally. I played him like a fiddle!

I guess the little faggot failed to read the post where I said
that I would no longer debate Bukake Boy. Does anyone notice
this all began with threats involving his imaginary army.

So, using the standard psychological profile of an Internet troll,
I decided to have a little fun with him. 25 or under, unemployed,
unmarried, living with his parents, marginally educated or possessing
a worthless degree in ethnic studies or cultural anthropology, etc.,
and of course his use of an obscure term for an obscure gay sex act.

The pathetic little turd shot his bolt when he threatened Flaxen
Saxon with misery and death on a date certain. I guess his "Army
Of Darkness" failed to show up on Flaxen's doorstep. This caused
him to shift his tactics. His fertile imagination conjured up
a nonexistent wife. Now, he has a great job in a "Highly esteemed
profession and lives in condo." A short time erlier, I stopped
responding to him directly.

And this dear readers of the Soylent Realm, is the result of my
experiment. Having been denied the attention of his (In his
own mind) victim, he shifted his tactics once again. All of a
sudden he is begging for attention by attempting to get me to
debate him on issues related to politics and history.


As a product of a modern education, the pathetic little pud-knocker
asked me if I believe the Holocaust happened. In the pathetically
indoctrinated and under-educated minds of millennials, all conservatives
are Nazis, ergo holocaust deniers. We oldsters have all read more
books on the subject of history than this pathetic little prick has
read books in the entire course of his life!

In addition to the countless history books I have read, I have HUNDREDS
on the history of WWII, including the biographies or autobiographies of Manila Joe, Bill Gonorrhea, Babe Heffron, Buck Compton Dick Winters,
Shifty Powers, Sledge Hammer, Lucky Leckie, and local hero, the Torrance
Tornado. So I just managed to fix my position within a five mile
radius. (There is your Chance Patroller of the gay bathhouse)

I have at least 30 books on my Kindle alone that are biographies
or autobiographies of Holocaust survivors. So while it seems
all of his assumptions about me are off by a mile, I still stand
by mine. He is a pathetic little prick who trolls the Internet in
an attempt to gain the attention that he never got as a child.

He has a pathetic need for attention. When I stopped responding to
him, he revealed his pathological need for attention, by all but
begging me to engage in a debate. Back when his daddy was dancing
in a lime green three piece leisure suit, I was working in a private
sanitarium. I learned a LOT about human behavior there.

Never bet against geezers. We were covering topics in 3rd grade
that most high school students today were never taught. 20 years
ago, college students were polled on the decade various historical
events occurred. Just under 1/2 could not guess the decade of the
Civil War. It is worse now! There is not a person on this Blog
who does not know the EXACT year every major war started. Brain
dead kids only know about the Vietnam war what they were taught
in school (Mostly wrong.) I did not serve, but I remember approaching
my 17th birthday waiting for my number to come up, and watching the
nightly body count. ANY dickhead can study the three paragraphs
of a history book on JFK. We actually remember where we were
when he was assassinated.

This pathetic little cretin has the intellectual heft of a Pismire!

Patroller said...

Leonard, you really have gone bonkers.I'm going to leave you to stew on this cesspit. I will return in the future. You will get what you deserve.

Patroller said...

Leonard, the Torrance Tornado was no hero, cretin. You will get what you deserve.

Leonard Jones said...

As I predicted, the no nothing cretin began doing Internet searches right away.
Looks like he found out Louis Zamperini was captured as a result of his
aircraft malfunctioning over the Pacific Ocean.

Hey MORON, that was not his first mission! Only a brain dead liberal
dipshit could say that a man who braved heavy flack over a Japanese held
island, lost a crew member, and wrestled a crippled ship back to safety over
several hundred miles of open ocean was not a hero.

What a dick, he is even a failure at Internet searches, going no farther
than the 3 paragraphs at Wikipedia. This guy is so predictable I
know what he is going to do before he does it.

3 paragraphs? Try reading the ENTIRE book. Sorry, I forgot you are a
Mellinneal, which means you are allergic to reading!

PS I know he did not even watch the movie, because he would have known about
the mission I cited.