Thursday, June 13, 2013

One Sentence-Carbon Kleptocrat FAIL Twofer

I love a joke with two punchlines. Actually there's a third, but it's at the very end of the linked article. But let's just enjoy this opening sentence, shall we?

"A 98 percent drop in the value of official UN-backed carbon credits is pushing sellers of emission offsets into the voluntary market, where prices are as much as 30 times higher."

Bwuhahahahahaha. Only a government would continue trying to sell something that's lost 98 percent of its (entirely artificial) value. But enough about California.
Let's look at the second highlighted part; that means there are rich imbeciles out there--some running companies you may be invested in--who are willing to buy these worthless pieces of paper for as much as $8 per tonne, rather than 43-euro cents.
The voluntary carbon market--where Eco-tards throw money away to make themselves feel morally superior.

Oh yeah, the third punchline? Look at the companies listed as clients of The CarbonNeutral Company...the obvious one is Tata Steel. Is there anyone connected with that company who has anything to do with pushing UN carbon credits...? Why, yes. Yes there is.

H/T Tom Nelson


Eric Praline said...

I hope those Eurotards have plenty of baby oil. That type of frenetic masturbating can cause serious chaffing.

LC Aggie Sith said...

Pachauri? I thought he was off writing his next romance novel.

B.C. said...

Pachauri is an extreme multi-tasker, Aggie Sith. He's able to perform multiple acts of Crony Cleptocracy while, at the same time, publish multiple tomes about pedophilia. Rumor has it, his next novel will be a combination of "The Jungle Book" meets "Romancing The Bone".