Monday, July 15, 2013

250,000 Minions Visit Siberia

Woo Hoo!

A far cry from 4 million, but then it's only been 4 months in exile. Thank you all.


dan said...

daaaamn... that's quite the red ,white and blue
bit of inspiration and celebratin' going on there...

Leonard Jones said...

Damn! The Snooch is back. I really missed your Blog brother.

Sadly, Vilmar pulled the plug on
K&S. There were a lot more popular
Blogs on net, but his was one of
most consistantly entertaining.

I hope he gets some rest and does
as you have.

PS I still believe that the tree-
hugging lefties used the "content"
as an excuse to get you booted.

Soylent Sage said...

Leonard, Vilmar is still kickin.' He moved to WordPress.

Leonard Jones said...

Thank you dude! Now all we have
to do is drag Steamboat Mcgoo out
of retirement.

I have just been hit with an idea!
How about a website devoted to
displaced Blogs? Your case was not
voluntary. Vilmar's was. But what
about about a place to go to see if
a Blogger has moved to new diggs?

If I had not found a link to your
Blog this AM, I would never have
known you were still out there.

Thanks for the link to Vilmar's
new site!

In both cases, I have been like a
fucking junkie scratching my arm in
need of a fix.

Eric Praline said...

Can I just add here: Fuck the Codemonkeys, you can't kill the snooch!

Jeffrey said...

God bless that woman, and God bless the United States of America.

Jon Dougery said...

I'm glad to contribute daily to your view count! Keep up the GREAT work!

Anonymous said...

Dang, that was quick! I was just thinking how mine was progressing, but, I just can't compete with snooch! Congrats! You'll get to the millions in no time!