Tuesday, July 23, 2013

"Green Energy" Imbeciles Promote Dumbest Idea Yet: Flying Wind Turbines

I can just see these be-sandaled, pencil-necked, Thermageddon Gravy-Trainers musing by the pool-side bar at a tax payer-funded Global Warming junket, "Ya know, we need an even more wasteful way to kill more endangered birds."
Well the wait is over. Introducing the Flying Birdshredder!

Brilliant. The ones on the ground fly apart in high winds as it is. Yeah, lets put a bunch of potential scimitars up where the wind blows even harder. What could possibly go wrong?

And if you didn't think this idea was evil enough already, guess who just bought a company that thought up this FAIL.


Eric Praline said...

Do I have an investment for Google. Underground solar panels. It's the next big thing that everyone needs to have or we're all going to die. IT'S FOR THE CHILDREN!!1!!ELEVENTY!!!

djglmt said...

Wow. I guess now I have proof that Google is stupid as well as evil!

Soylent Sage said...

Eric, I think you've just inspired me to concoct a new Ponzi scheme for the Green suckers with too much green. ITKWIMAITYD.
Check back in a few hours. I must commune with the Hyena, the Muse of Snark.

Critter said...

down here in Lower Alabama this should be festive during tornado season.

Leonard Jones said...

1. This POS would use more energy
than it could generate.

2. It would have to store whatever
energy it generated.

3. How would it interface with the
power grid?

4. How many D cells will it take
before this flying joke becomes too
heavy to take off?

Soylent Sage said...

Leonard, I suggested using Saturn V rockets to keep them aloft. Because...#efficiency.