Thursday, August 15, 2013

Falconsword Fursday Linky Love Contender: Erika

(Click to embiggenify.)


Harbqll said...

That poor girl...someone erased her snooch!

Soylent Sage said...

I may have to post more such sushi regardless, Harbqll. I just randomly checked the global snoochometer a moment ago and had visitors from Hanoi, Bucharest, Surrey Hills in OZ, and Gibson, BC in the Great White North--plus an assortment of USA sages--all snooching simultaneously. The VC stayed the longest. ;-)

Anonymous said...

Gibsons not Gibson, SG. You're forgiven, this time... ;)

(Not sure I'm keen on all the hardware. I'll bring my own.)

Anonymous said...

how about some norkor snooch, bet that stuff is hairy and hard to come by......