Monday, November 25, 2013

EUnuchstan Goes Full Retard: Pledges 20% Of Income To Appease The Thermageddon Gods

ICYMI over at Jo Nova's, the EU has decided it will burn 180 Billion euro- a-year on the altar of Gaia because the Guardian said if they don't, then...
The funny part is the EU isn't even bringing in anywhere near the extortion it planned from member states. It's probably not as funny as the Guardian piece either, which was hastily cobbled together in reaction to the hilarious fail of the IPCC Climate Kleptocrat Carbon Trade Show that saw host country Poland fire its own eco-minister during the conference and more than 100 other nations storm out when they learned they were not getting their Global Warming Reparations.
And as hilarious as that is, it might have to take a back seat to the Eco-Tard of the week, Richard Smith, who publicly takes off the mask and declares a Marxist revolution is the only thing that can #SaveThePlanet.
Marxists have never had a better argument against capitalism than this inescapable and apocalyptic “contradiction.” Solutions to the ecological crisis are blindingly obvious but we can’t take the necessary steps to prevent ecological collapse because, so long as we live under capitalism, economic growth has to take priority over ecological concerns.
That's right, the economic system that increased life expectancy four-fold will kill us all because there's just too much freedom going on here. Polio anyone?
Still, as entertaining as that is, I'm going with the Poles--that's just too funny.

Elevated From The Comments For Awesome:
Jay said...
Funny, every Marxist country I had the (mis)fortune to travel through back in the 80's to early 90's was an environmental shithole. Staring at the noontime sun in a cloudless sky through a thick fog of coal smoke that every building was burning for heat in Beijing, green wiggly things coming out of the water tap in Shanghi, fields where nothing could be grown due to heavy metal sludge in Poland, and let’s not forget the Marxist environmental masterpiece of Chernobyl. Yes, we need the Marxists to step in and destroy the environment to save the environment. Much like they step in and destroy people to save people.

And thanks for all the snooch.


Chris said...

Most Marxists don't remember that they turn into stew meat when exposed to .50 cal fire.

Jay said...

Funny, every Marxist country I had the (mis)fortune to travel through back in the 80's to early 90's was an environmental shithole. Staring at the noontime sun in a cloudless sky through a thick fog of coal smoke that every building was burning for heat in Beijing, green wiggly things coming out of the water tap in Shanghi, fields where nothing could be grown due to heavy metal sludge in Poland, and let’s not forget the Marxist environmental masterpiece of Chernobyl. Yes, we need the Marxists to step in and destroy the environment to save the environment. Much like they step in and destroy people to save people.

And thanks for all the snooch.

rickn8or said...

And I understand the 3-Card Monte dealers/carbon credit brokers in London have quietly folded up their boxes and are sneaking away...

Ogrrre said...

Yes, Marxism did SUCH a good job protecting the environment in the old Soviet Union. But, I suppose this fool thinks that western European Communists and American Communists are SO much smarter than those lumbering, bearish, Russian Communists, so it'll work this time.

Eric Praline said...

You forgot to mention the Awesome Aussie Awesomeness at the IPCC warmist hullabaloo, where the Australia delegation showed up in shorts and t-shirts, ate all the free food they could grab while the kleptocrats droned on, and generally made a mockery of the whole thing. Their new government obviously knows how to treat these ecotards with the level of respect they deserve.