Friday, January 3, 2014

Lurch Vows To Win Global Warming Treaty

You mean with folks like Japan, John? You know, the country that already bowed out of renewing Kyoto?
Or how about Oz, where the Prime Minister's Business Advisory Council Chairman said--on the front page of the Australian three days ago:
From the UN on down, the climate change delusion is a gigantic money tree. It is a tyranny that, despite its pretensions, favours the rich and politically powerful at the expense of the poor and powerless. But the madness of the crowds is waning and, as Mackay writes of the perpetrators: 'Punishment is sure to overtake them sooner or later.' We can only hope it comes before most of us descend into serfdom.

Well, you can count on the Saudis, and Putin of course--though he bailed on Kyoto too. They'll be happy to help your plans to hobble the American Dynamo even further. Oh, and don't forget the Maldives--they need those airports so the country won't sink into the sea because of !!!GlobalWarming!!!.

Well, Weasel Zippers did make a good point: "He's less likely to muck things up while he's preoccupied fighting a problem that doesn't exist."


Eric Praline said...

Lurch must really be bummed that he didn't get Ecotard of the Year for 2013, he's already doubling his efforts.

B.C. said...

"Never underestimate the ability of the incompetent to fuck up even a non-existent problem." ---B.C.