Wednesday, November 12, 2014

President Canute: Destroy The Country, Save The Planet

Soylent Green: Just what you need when you're freezing in the dark.
That was the title and tagline to my original blog launched March 4, 2009. Then, as now, I railed against the Carbon Kelptocrats and their patron, God/King Obamandias of the Chicago Carbon Exchange, who I knew would destroy the nation's energy infrastructure with a non-energy policy promising free power generated from unicorn farts and sunbeams.
Now that he has nothing to lose and no support from either party in DC, he is going institute those policies, and make sure we are all fighting for soylent scraps as we are hurled.back into medieval serfdom via a flurry of executive orders. And though it will make energy prices "necessarily skyrocket," and will do absolutely nothing to reduce global temperature or CO2 levels, congress will be unable to stop it.
So drink up, Minnesota, it's going to get even worse.
On the bright side, we won't see the new dystopia ushered in by marauding hordes of machete-wielding juaristas and/or exploding jihadis on the news because the rolling blackouts will keep us, again, in the dark...freezing in the dark.
Then again, there is always the Michael Corleone Protocol--because, global warming or not, it's hard to sign anything after you've been reduced to room temperature.  


B.C. said...

He's going to push as many illegal executive fiats through as he possibly can, daring the RINO's and flat-out Communists in the House and Senate to stop him. They won't, because there's not a testicle among 99% of them.

When the SHTF, there's going to be a LOT of bloodshed and the DimocRat-run shitholes will be the bloodiest of all places, because they will be the easiest to isolate and starve out. Let them eat each other--- they voted for the asshole.

The only good Marxist is a dead Marxist. I'm ready to make a lot of good Marxists.

Leonard Jones said...

That is not even fair. King Canute knew he was mortal.
Even Caesar did not need to have the slave whispering
"You are mortal" in his ear. What do we do when a sitting
U.S. President actually believes he is a God? This poser
is setting records for delusional behavior the likes of
which have not been seen in an elected leader in American
history. This prick actually believes he can beat down the
rising ocean!