Sunday, December 7, 2014

Some One PLEASE Tell Me This Tweet Is True

In the context of government officials (police) killing Black people, I really want it to ...but don't want to be #RollingStoned.


Klaus von Schmidt said...

Here you go:

Francis said...

But... I don't get it. Why is it important?

Soylent Sage said...

Well, who's killing more Black people-- The police, or the wife of the guy organizing against the police from the highest legal office in the land?

Francis said...

Ah, ok. I see. I don't like abortion either and am a bit torn by the moral questions it rises. Yet to some, unsurprisingly, the Holders will be heroes for BOTH feats. *sigh*

By the way, thanks for all the stuff on your blog. It happens sometimes that I rise up in the morning and ask myself what day we are, and then realize - oh yeah, it's Monday Motivationator!

Have a great week!

Eric Praline said...

It makes sense that the Holders would profit from black genocide. Their financier George Soros profited greatly from nazi roundups of Hungarian Jews, and he's ostensibly Jewish.