Thursday, March 26, 2015

Top O' Teh Twit: #AskPresSec

Yes, Obama's press secretary was dumb enough to ask TehTwit fling him questions. This was my favorite:


ooGcM taobmaetS said...

Speaking of O'NumbFuck ...

Anyone notice that he just declassified the 1985 US info on Israel's nuclear program - for no apparent reason other than to pee off the Heebs.

I honestly hope the Mossad is ... never-mind.

Soylent Sage said...

Yes, apparently he was pissed that they made it publicly look like he was helping Iran destroy them. So he does something in retaliation that publicly makes it look like he's helping Iran destroy them.
Shhhh. It's a secret.

It makes me recall the Battle of Wits in The Princess Bride..."Truly, you have a dizzying intellect."

ooGcM taobmaetS said...

Whoa! I figured he was just continuing his efforts to destroy 'Merica by alienating our allies trust in us

Can't say I have seen princess bride.

Soylent Sage said...

IF you even still have a TV, you should watch it.
Best Sword Fight EVER filmed.

You'd recognize a trove of memes that now permeate the hyperverse.
You can probably find it online somewhere. A classic.