Thursday, March 28, 2013

Michael Mann Can't Read A Thermometer Either

Just experienced? There's been no warming for 16 years. Which two decades, Michael?
Perhaps the two right after the Laurentide Ice Sheet Receded? Certainly not the 4,000 years before then.  Oh, that's right, your hindcasting can't find that either.

H/T Tom Nelson


B.C. said...

The only hockey stick the Earth has been experiencing over the last two decades is the level of Stoopid being exhibited by Mikey Mann and his Merry Band of Glow Bull Wormers. His kind of Stoopid doesn't come naturally, like climatic cycles--- it takes intense amounts of hard work to reach the Sinuglarity o' Stoopid that he and his fellow Mann-churian Marxists have reached.

Mikey, fuck you and the whores you rode in on. (I know you Google your name multiple times per day to see who is "disrespecting" your sorry ass. You won't be able to shut down this site, you fraudulent fuckweasel. If you have a problem with it, bring it on in the courts and the discovery phase will leave you looking worse than Goatse Boy.)

Eric Praline said...

BC, I thought Mickey Mann was goatse boy. It would certainly explain his obsession with gaseous emissions.

Rickvid in the Yakima Valley said...

Hey Mikie, you twat.